HR analytics software solutions may provide organizations with information to get a full picture of their workforce. This information can turn into actionable workforce insights in order to potentially improve diversity initiatives, employee retention, recruitment and training. We've curated a vetted list of the top HR Analytics Software solution providers in 2024 to help you find the right HR analytics software for your organization.

By analyzing employee data, HR analytics software can help businesses identify trends and patterns related to employee behavior. This information can be used to improve HR policies and practices, and to make better decisions about employee retention, recruitment and training. After all, HR data is the infrastructure of a top-notch employee experience.

Best people analytics solutions for small to mid-size organizations

For automated HR analytics and data visualization software solution, this list is highlights the top people analytics solutions from top to bottom. Explore the pricing (as-available), value, and organization headcount size.

  1. Orgnostic: free if you want to opt into their 'Descriptive' people analytics solution (the most straightforward version) with up to 3 months of data history. Their Starter pricing with more advanced features starts at $2/month/employee, so a 100-person company with Pro runs $160/mo with a yearly contract. They've also pioneered the latest in AI for HR tech, influenced by the latest developments in large language models such as ChatGPT, on top of Diagnostic Surveys.
  2. Employee Cycle: a near-real-time HR dashboard solution if you're looking for the quickest, most straightforward solution and have up to 500 employees. They offer a free 14-day trial, and it is free if you have up 49 employees in your organization. If you have 50-125 employees, they charge $432 per month and another $3 per employee per month (billed annually) if you have over 126 employees.
  3. eqtble: The top "People analytics as a Service" provider works with your organization to guide you and your team. They differentiate between all the following solutions in that they take a consultative, services-based approach, with an HR analytics dashboard solution as a deliverable after working with you. They start at just $800 per month due to the hands-on nature of this work, and offer 50% off for any startup with under 200 employees. The Foundational package provides you with access to Metrics, Stories, Dashboards, and Data Health and also features data management. Check them out to get started on your people analytics journey.
  4. ChartHop: initially started as an organizational chart software, ChartHop has expanded to provide a full suite of people analytics dashboard and visualization features. It is free for up to 150 employees and is either $8 or $12 per employee per month (billed annually).
  5. peopleHum: an HR Analytics Software that helps you to find out hidden workforce trends and make better decisions with data-driven HR analytics. Their pricing starts at a simple $2 per employee per month.
  6. Knoetic: As pricing is not transparent, the best way forward is to get in touch or request a demo. Their pricing may be flexible based on your organization's headcount. They also offer a social network of 1K+ HR leaders baked into the solution. However, it is unclear as to its tangible benefits and whether or not it is just akin to a Slack community (such as People Geeks by CultureAMP).

Mid-size organizations (and large enterprises) people analytics solutions

  1. eqtble: along with a cloud-based HR dashboard platform, they provide people analytics as a service, and also help you consolidate HR and talent data in one place, so you can easily craft stories that have a real impact on your business. While they start at $800 per month, the enterprise version goes up to $4,500 per month.
  2. Qualtrics HR Analytics: quite possibly the most advanced and robust people analytics solution because Qualtrics is also a data broker with billions of data points about consumers. This solution helps you best sense of your data and may also tie into their Employee Experience Management platform (akin to its sister product offering for customer experience management).
  3. PeopleInsight: pricing ranges from $24K-$40K/yr for under 500 employees, $28-$60K for companies with 50-2499 employees, $40K-$90K/yr for 2500-4999 employees, and $60K-120K/yr for over 5000 employees.
  4. Sisense HR Analytics: a people analytics software solution. As pricing is not transparent, it is estimated to be at least $20K/yr, so the best path forward is to get in touch for a demo.
  5. Visier: pay for the features you need. As pricing is not transparent, the best way forward is to get in touch or request a demo.

The teams behind the people analytics solutions below have all worked with many organizations to bring their HR departments and their business into the future.

Transform your workforce with an HR dashboard and automated insights solution

Effectively reshaping HR reporting processes allows businesses to thrive while management is equipped with greater insight into how employees reach new levels of satisfaction and productivity. It can save up to 1 day per week for HR Generalists/HR Directors and is similar to using an automated solution vs. manually creating Excel-powered HR dashboards.

Automated HR Dashboard solutions support several HR Platforms, including the most popular like Greenhouse, BambooHR, and Zenefits, among other Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), HR Information Management / HR Management Systems (HRIS'/HRMS), payroll, benefits, employee experience, and engagement systems, and more.

For example, you can see ADP's solution by watching this People Analytics and DEI Workshop. Take 44 minutes to find out the best ways to collect DEI data, analyze it, and make it transparent by communicating insights gleaned from DEI data to support your DEI goals.

Often these HR solutions do include their HR dashboard built into the product. Still, it is not a focus area to provide advanced HR analytics for them using these HR systems, so if you want a more specialized HR analytics dashboard and HR reporting solutions, you should go with a purpose-built, automated HR dashboard solution such as the ones mentioned above.

Need more information to help you decide about improving your HR reporting and HR dashboard solution?

Find more HR analytics articles and webinars here. And be sure to subscribe to our weekly HR newsletter to be the 1st to get new information on upcoming HR webinars, new articles, guides, and HR courses.

The pandemic has forced us to rethink work in a post-pandemic world. We've seen a shift to hybrid and remote work, inclusion initiatives, and engagement. HR and People Operations leaders like yourself are looking for ways to learn, share, and connect as we tackle the biggest challenges facing HR in a fast-changing future.

The Top 11 HR Trends to Watch are: hybrid work, inclusion, engagement, employee experience, remote work, human-centered HR technology, compensation innovation, career development, advanced people analytics, pay-for-performance, and employee wellbeing and mental health in the workplace.

As we move into the new year, it's important to keep an eye on the latest HR trends. Here are the top 11 HR trends to watch:

1. Hybrid work

As more and more companies adopt hybrid work models, HR will need to adapt to this new way of working. It is a compromise to calling back your workforce to the office who may still be fully working remote. Examples of these models include floating hubs, centered hubs, and slanted hubs. Use these models as a starting point to design an employee experience that supports this new way of working. And trust needs to go both ways for the Hybrid work model to take place.

Hybrid work lets you have more freedom while still staying connected, which is what a lot of workers want today. However, hybrid work is still a work in progress. If leaders work with employees to make it more human, it can be the best of both worlds. Recent data back this leading trend up:

For ideas on how to implement Hybrid, see the piece on 4-day workweeks, which discusses rotational days off and more.

2. Workplace Inclusion

Inclusion has emerged as the number one business imperative for HR leaders. The pandemic has created unprecedented levels of diversity in the workforce by expanding access to remote workers across the country and world—whom may have never been considered before. And with the growing focus on inclusion and diversity in the workplace, HR will need to ensure that all employees feel included and valued.

Not long ago, the ROI on inclusion to be massive by HBR:

  • 15% better financial performance from gender-diverse organizations
  • 35% better financial performance from ethnically-diverse organizations
  • With each 10% increase in diversity on executive teams, companies experienced an 8% increase in profitability

Be sure to start with human-centered work practices that recognizes employees for their positive efforts and work. As people leaders, we need to ask ourselves: “How might we take care of this new workforce?"

Inclusion naturally also involves a multi-generational workforce and provide benefits to them as well. That inclusive spirit should extend to how organizations deal with change. How do we include those that don’t want to change? How do we include all the different people in our organization and still drive change? That’s a huge challenge and a massive opportunity for organizations.

3. Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is key to a successful workplace. And with 70% of employees surveyed in the latest Workforce Institute’s Engagement and Retention Report stating they would be looking for new jobs, it could mean major turnover.

While employee engagement has been a buzzword for years, it has recently grown in importance. There is increasing evidence that shows a correlation between engaged employees and better business results. It's important to note, however, that employee engagement and employee experience (EX) are not the same thing. As Christie Hoffman, host of the Flip Flops and People Ops podcast explains it:

"Engagement is an output of optimizing your employee experience. By listening to your people with surveys and taking action on their feedback on what it's like to work at your company, you'll drive engagement."

Christie Hoffman, Head of Product Marketing at Pingboard and Host of Flip Flops & People Ops

As companies implement more AI and automation, they will increasingly rely on human engagement to successfully launch and grow these initiatives. Therefore, HR leaders must seek ways to learn, connect, and share knowledge as they confront the most significant challenges facing HR in an ever-changing future.

Better engagement can lead to increased productivity, lower turnover, greater customer satisfaction, and better retention of knowledge and skills. As a result, HR must find ways to keep employees engaged and motivated. Depending on your business requirements, platforms like Lattitude, Culture Amp, and Pingboard can help you achieve this.

4. Employee experience

It is table stakes to prioritize your employees' experience within your organization. Employee experience (EX) has been a key topic of discussion in recent years. However, there is still some confusion about what it actually entails, and the difference between EX and employee engagement as Christie mentions above. From attracting top talent to onboarding and beyond, employee experience encompasses the entire employee lifecycle.

Capturing the full employee life cycle

The best brands create incredible employee experience by creating a culture of great service for their customers and clients—and this starts with our employees. This extends to the workplace and how you manage benefits, compensation, and culture.

Looking to transform employee experience at your organization? Explore our 2-minute micro-course on EX transformation best practices.

5. Remote work

With more and more employees working remotely, HR will need to find ways to support this growing.

The number of full-time employees that work entirely remote reach new highs, but not as much as 2020 during the start of the pandemic due to the return to the office and especially hybrid work. Regardless, remote work is here to stay forever.

According to a Ladders research, projections that 25% of all professional jobs in US and Canada will be remote by the beginning of 2023. This recently increased to 36% in its Q3 2022 Quarterly Remote Work report.

With the cost of living increasing and housing costs skyrocketing in many cities, remote work is continuing to be possible for more people. There are even some situations in which it is required, such as when an individual or their child are ill and need special care. The requirement to be physically present at work is becoming less normal than it once was.

Working remotely offers many benefits, including a lower cost of living, greater personal time management, and enhanced work/life balance. It can be a better work-life blend and improve the quality of life for employees and their families.

6. HR technology

Systems and tools for HR will continue to transform the way we work. From talent acquisition, workforce and HR analytics, job bots, new applicant tracking systems (ATS) and job boards, to AI-powered solutions and more.

HR technology is a critical component of the modern People Leader in the digital workplace. It’s not surprising that an overwhelming majority (85%) of the HR professionals surveyed said they plan to invest in or already have invested in AI-powered HR solutions.

Technology may even have the power to enable AI-first organizations to grow at even greater speed. From Learning & Development, such as an AI-powered micro-course authorship technology. We use it to create training and development course materials — and you can give it a spin with a free 14-day trial from our affiliate 7taps. See our micro-courses for HR here for examples.

7. Compensation innovation

While the good news is that pay satisfaction is at an all-time high, the fact remains that many organizations did not change their compensation plan in 2022. Compensation salary plans, executive pay and compensation, and the overall compensation structure is ripe for innovation. Coupled with performance evaluation trends, HR expert Harold Strong, MBA spoke with us about this need recently.

"New performance evaluation strategies are needed, and should factor in that to be attractive to potential future talent, and to retain top performers—a lot needs to happen."

Harold Strong, MBA, Human Resource Consultant & Adjunct Business Instructor

The good news is that compensation is not at the top of the list of why employees leave organizations; it is #3, right behind how their manager treats the employee, and the lack of upward career mobility via promotions. That said, 75% of employees say they would leave their job if they were offered a salary increase. This means that your compensation strategy needs to be improved if you don't want to lose your employees.

8. Career development

Career development refers to the planning and programs that help employees grow both within a given role and within the company. Consider a mentorship program to match people in your organization up with others across departments. It's proven that accessing talent through mentorship will give your employees the career development they need.

"Going into a new role, guns blazing and trying to make changes before truly understand what is happening and what is needed. Be honest with yourself 'I don’t know everything. I don’t know everybody. I don’t know really what the most important things are not going to change every single thing.' Seeking first to understand is paramount to influence any kind of change, any kind of development, any kind of transformation, organizational, cultural change. Being sponge mode first, whenever you get into these new scenarios and situations."

Pete Schramm, CEO at Lattitude

Related: explore the Good Jobs Guide

9. Advanced workplace analytics

The forward-leaning HR leader will not only deploy, but also integrates and uses human resource analytics to better understand, predict, and improve performance. As HR departments in remote-first and hybrid workplaces evolve, we are seeing an increasing use of data-driven approaches. After all, data is the infrastructure of employee experience. And HR data is a prerequisite for employee experience transformation, according to Luka Babic of people analytics platform Orgnostic:

"HR remains the only sort of feeling-driven function — and that isn't ideal because it is not being factored properly by the rest of the executive leadership team and to an extent the result of talent as well. And I think that's the kind of a chasm — HR leadership needs to adopt this kind of mindset, that we need to build a data-driven function... because management is usually appreciating that kind of approach."

Luka Babic, co-founder and CEO of Orgnostic

For quickly getting your HR analytics to the next level, consider one of these Top 10 HR dashboard examples you can use today.

10. Pay-for-performance

The global pay-for-performance index indicates that nearly a third of organizations do not have a pay-for-performance strategy, while 53% have a moderate to high level of compensation variability. For companies who want to drive higher performance, the question is “How?” not “Should we?”

11. Employee Wellbeing and Mental Health in the Workplace

The importance of employee wellbeing and mental health in the workplace is crucial, particularly in a 'post-pandemic' environment, and employers can take steps to support their employees' mental health by providing access to resources and creating a culture that normalizes seeking help. As HR leaders, it is essential to prioritize mental health and promote a culture of support in the workplace to protect and strengthen the health and safety of all employees.

Along with the top 11 HR trends to watch, including hybrid work, workplace inclusion, employee engagement, employee experience, remote work, HR technology, compensation innovation, career development, advanced workplace analytics, and pay-for-performance, employee wellbeing and mental health must be at the forefront of HR initiatives.

Wrapping up

Thanks for reading my 1st annual HR tech trends report! For even more explore what The Future of Work looks like and this read on Re-imagining the Workweek.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of prioritizing mental health in the workplace. As we navigate the new normal, employers must take an active role in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of their employees. In this article, we will discuss the importance of mental health in the workplace and provide tips for employers to help support their employees' mental health.

Why Prioritizing Mental Health is Important

Mental health affects everything we do, from our ability to work to our relationships with others. The workplace can be a particularly stressful environment, with high demands, long hours, and tight deadlines. When employees are stressed and overwhelmed, their mental health can suffer, leading to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and even physical health problems.

Employers have a responsibility to create a supportive and inclusive workplace that prioritizes mental health. By doing so, they can not only improve their employees' mental health but also increase productivity, decrease absenteeism, and improve employee retention.

Tips for Employers

1) Promote a Positive Work Environment

Creating a positive work environment is essential for promoting mental health in the workplace. Here are some tips:

  • Foster a culture of support, respect, and inclusivity.
  • Encourage open communication and feedback.
  • Recognize and reward employees for their achievements.
  • Provide opportunities for professional growth and development.

2) Provide Mental Health Resources

Employers should provide mental health resources to their employees, including:

  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) - EAPs offer confidential counseling and support to employees and their families.
  • Mental health benefits - Employers should provide comprehensive mental health benefits that cover a range of services, including therapy, counseling, and medication.
  • Online resources - Employers can offer online resources, such as mental health screening tools and self-help resources.

3) Create a Flexible Work Environment

Flexible work arrangements can help reduce stress and improve mental health. Here are some options to consider:

  • Remote work - Remote work can provide employees with more flexibility and work-life balance.
  • Flexible schedules - Employers can offer flexible schedules, such as compressed workweeks or job sharing, to accommodate employees' personal needs.
  • Time off - Employers should encourage employees to take time off when needed, whether it be for mental health days or vacation.

4) Educate Employees on Mental Health

Educating employees on mental health can help reduce stigma and promote help-seeking behaviors. Here are some ways to educate employees:

  • Host mental health workshops and training sessions.
  • Share mental health resources and information.
  • Encourage open communication about mental health in the workplace.

Resources for Employers

There are many resources available to help employers support their employees' mental health. Here are a few:

  • Mental Health America - offers resources and tools for employers to create a mentally healthy workplace.
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - provides resources and support for employers to help employees with mental health conditions. CEOs of companies may also consider signing on to their CEOs Against Stigma initiative and even get a no-cost webinar for employees about it.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - offers resources and guidance on workplace mental health.
  • US Surgeon General - a recent report "Protecting Youth Mental Health" stresses the need for employers to address the mental health crisis in the workplace, and suggests that employers can take steps to support their employees' mental health by providing access to mental health resources and creating a culture of support, and encourages HR leaders to prioritize mental health and promote a culture of support in the workplace.

Next Steps to Prioritizing Mental Health in the Workplace

Prioritizing mental health in the workplace is essential for creating a supportive and inclusive work environment. Employers have a responsibility to provide mental health resources, create a positive work environment, offer flexible work arrangements, and educate employees on mental health. By doing so, they can improve their employees' mental health and wellbeing, leading to increased productivity, decreased absenteeism, and improved employee retention.

For even more, explore our additional resources on this important topic that may help you boost and prioritize your employee's wellbeing (and that of your own):

In today’s digital age, companies are growing at a rapid pace and managing a distributed workforce. With more employees working remotely or in hybrid settings, companies need to ensure that their workforce is happy, engaged, and productive. To achieve this, companies are turning to an employee experience platform (EX platform). In this article, we'll explore the benefits of an employee experience platform and how it can help maximize your human capital.

What is an Employee Experience Platform?

An employee experience platform is a technology platform that captures employee data and provides people analytics. It is a central repository of employee data that tracks an employee's lifecycle with the company, from onboarding to offboarding. An EX platform collects data on employee engagement, performance, feedback, compensation, and more. It is a single source of truth that can be used to make data-driven decisions to improve employee experience.

Orgnostic People Analytics Software — a leading EX Platform

Benefits of an Employee Experience Platform

1) Improved Employee Engagement

An employee experience platform is designed to improve employee engagement. By capturing data on employee engagement, an EX platform can help identify areas of improvement, such as communication, recognition, or career growth. With a better understanding of employee needs, companies can create a more engaging work environment and reduce employee turnover.

2) Enhanced Performance

Employee performance is critical to the success of any business. An employee experience platform can help managers identify top performers and those who need additional support. By tracking performance data, managers can provide targeted feedback and coaching to improve employee performance. EX platforms also help with goal setting and tracking to ensure that employees are aligned with company objectives.

3) Streamlined Onboarding

Onboarding is a crucial process for new hires, but it can also be time-consuming and overwhelming for HR and managers. An employee experience platform can help streamline the onboarding process by providing new hires with everything they need to get started, such as company policies, handbooks, and benefits information. By automating the onboarding process, companies can save time and ensure that new hires are up to speed quickly.

4) Simplified Performance Reviews

Performance reviews can be stressful for employees and managers alike. An employee experience platform simplifies the process by automating the review process and providing a centralized location for all performance data. Managers can provide feedback in real-time, and employees can track their progress throughout the year. By simplifying the performance review process, companies can reduce stress and anxiety and improve employee satisfaction.

5) Personalized Employee Experiences

An employee experience platform provides employees with a personalized experience. With an EX platform, employees can access information on their performance, benefits, and career growth. They can also set goals, track their progress, and receive feedback in real-time. By providing employees with a personalized experience, companies can improve employee engagement and retention.

6) Enhanced Data Analysis

An employee experience platform captures vast amounts of data, which can be used to make data-driven decisions. With people analytics, companies can analyze employee data to identify trends, such as employee engagement or performance issues. By having access to this data, companies can identify areas of improvement and make informed decisions to improve employee experience.

7) Increased Agility

An employee experience platform provides companies with the flexibility to adapt to changing business needs. With a centralized location for employee data, companies can quickly respond to changes in employee needs or business objectives. By having access to real-time data, companies can be more agile and respond to changes quickly.

8) Improved Compliance

An employee experience platform can help companies stay compliant with labor laws and regulations. By capturing data on employee demographics and job responsibilities, companies can ensure that they are meeting legal requirements for hiring, benefits, and compensation. With an EX platform, companies can reduce the risk of compliance issues and avoid costly penalties.

9) Better Communication

Better communication is a key benefit of an employee experience platform as it enables employees to easily connect with each other and their managers. With a centralized platform, employees can stay up to date on company news and initiatives, receive real-time feedback and coaching, and have access to valuable information such as job descriptions, performance plans, and compensation packages.

Why You Need an Employee Experience Platform

Investing in an employee experience platform offers multiple benefits for your business, including:

1) Streamlining HR Processes

An employee experience platform eliminates the need for manual data entry, as it automates repetitive HR tasks such as onboarding, performance management, and benefits enrollment. It also serves as a centralized hub for all HR-related activities, giving your HR team more time to focus on strategic initiatives.

2) Improving Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is critical for business success, and an employee experience platform can help you achieve this. By collecting data on employee feedback, experiences, and preferences, you can identify areas for improvement and address employee concerns in a timely manner. Engaged employees are more productive, innovative, and loyal, which translates to better business results.

3) Enhancing People Analytics

People analytics refers to the use of data to gain insights into the workforce, such as employee performance, engagement, and retention rates. An employee experience platform provides a wealth of data that can be used to improve business decision-making. With accurate data and reporting, you can create and implement HR policies and strategies that are informed by real-time insights.

4) Encouraging Personalized Development

An employee experience platform can help create a personalized development plan for each employee, based on their career goals, strengths, and areas for improvement. With this information, you can create customized training and development plans that will help employees grow and develop their skills.

5) Increasing Employee Retention

Employee retention is vital for business success. Retaining top talent saves money and time spent on recruitment, and helps ensure continuity of knowledge and experience. An employee experience platform can help you identify potential issues that may lead to high turnover rates, such as poor performance management, lack of training and development opportunities, or compensation issues. By addressing these issues, you can increase employee satisfaction and retention rates.

6) Boosting Company Culture

A positive company culture is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent, and an employee experience platform can help foster a culture of transparency, communication, and collaboration. With features such as team building exercises and individual feedback tools, you can create a work environment where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to do their best work.

7) Supporting a Remote-First Workforce

In a digital-first world, many businesses have shifted to remote work models. An employee experience platform provides a platform for remote employees to access HR-related resources, collaborate with colleagues, and receive personalized training and development opportunities. This helps ensure that remote employees feel connected and supported, even when working from a distance.

Maximizing Your Human Capital with an Employee Experience Platform

Investing in an employee experience platform is an investment in your business’s human capital. By streamlining HR processes, improving employee engagement, enhancing people analytics, encouraging personalized development, increasing employee retention, boosting company culture, and supporting a remote-first workforce, you can create a positive work environment that fosters growth, innovation, and success.

Maximize your human capital and transform your business practices by investing in an employee experience platform today. Some of these platforms often go by the name of People Analytics Software and the field is ever-evolving.

For even more, we's prepared several micro-courses where you can learn Employee Experience best practices for your organization's EX transformation initiative, and a foundational course on Human-Centered Work Culture.

Take one work day to advance your People Analytics - also refererred to as HR Analytics - entirely free from current and former CHROs and people ops execs from companies like instacast, WesternUnion, American Express, Uber, and Facebook.

The free online HR courses ended June 29 2022 but recordings of all the sessions are available (Register to learn HR analytics).

When: On-demand 

Price: FREE

Who: this People Analytics course series is not a course on statistics, Excel, R, or Python. Its goal is to help (striving) CHROs learn how to set good people analytics foundations, build HR strategy and tell the story behind your organization's people data.

You'll learn

Set the right People Analytics foundation

Assemble the tech stack and design the workflow to incorporate People Analytics in your day-to-day work (even if it seems impossible to fit into your current schedule).

Connect HR metrics to business goals

From interpreting HR metrics to weaving stories, learn how to find the golden nuggets in your data — and convey the value to the executive team clearly.

Develop and implement a data-driven HR strategy

Acquire the confidence to plan and execute strategic initiatives, create experiments, and steer your team toward adopting a data-driven HR culture.


The series consists of 8 masterclasses that will teach you everything from people analytics foundations to creating and implementing data-informed HR strategies:

Each session includes an optional multiple-choice quiz. You will also receive one optional assignment that should enable you to create a data-driven strategy by the end of the series.


Every Wednesday at 10am PST, tune in with your HR analytics instructors to learn about people analytics in this course for free
People and HR Analytics Course Instructors

Frequently Asked HR Course Questions

Why is this HR analytics course offered free of charge?

The People Analytics Masterclass is brought to you by Orgnostic â€“ the people analytics platform for strategic HR leaders. We’ve created this course because we’re on a mission to democratize people analytics and make data-informed HR practices readily-available to any organization that cares about its people.

Will I get a certificate after the course?

Yes, if you complete quizzes for more than 80% of the sessions by 15 July, 2022, you will get a certificate.

Can I add this series to my calendar?

Yes, you can add this series to your calendar here.

Do I need to attend all the sessions?

You don’t have to attend all sessions if your schedule doesn’t allow it or you don’t find some topics to be useful. Just skip to the ones you are interested in and book your calendar. 

What if I miss a session I really wanted to attend?

No worries, you will receive recordings of all the sessions so you can watch it at a time that works for you. We still recommend that you attend the sessions live to be able to make use of the Q&A session.

Do I have to do the task and the quizzes?

Only if you want to.

The quizzes are a short summary of each session and a good way for you to double check if you remembered the most important learning points.

The assignment should enable you to use what you've learned in your day-to-day work after you've completed the series.

Do you offer Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) credits?

They currently don't offer HRCI credits towards HR certification, but attendees can self-report to receive recertification credit.

Who is this free people analytics course from?

This course has been brought to you by Orgnostic, a people analytics software for strategic HR leaders. They help HR and people ops leaders get people analytics initiatives off the ground. Link your scattered HR data, run surveys on top, and get answers to the critical questions about your people in minutes.


­­Dashboards are Critical for Chief People Officers & HR Managers to Achieve Business Success

Now more than ever, it is essential for companies to have an easy-to-access, easy-to-understand, single, real-time view of all of their HR data. This access allows CEOs to make accurate revenue projections and realistic budget decisions. It also helps administrators, hiring teams, recruiters, and managers make better on-the-ground decisions.

Many companies are still stuck in the Human Resource processes of decades ago, with paper files filling filing cabinets and HR staff buried up to their necks, with many of their hours being spent rifling through paperwork and compiling reports from various applications like Excel, sometimes printing reports out for top management only to then try to make sense of them or discover calculation errors with the analytics charts. Sometimes, they simply hand those HR reports off and rely on executives to make that sense. Unfortunately, making sense of dozens of different and disparate data points can feel overwhelming, and a lot of critical data slips through the cracks. An HR dashboard will streamline and simplify this entire, decades-old headache and keep data and people from slipping anywhere.

HR Dashboards Contain a Unified View of Important Workforce Metrics

First, it is necessary to understand what an HR dashboard (also known as a people analytics dashboard) is. Most HR departments, at the behest of management, are tracking various pieces of information about the people who make it up. For both employees and contractors, and seasonal employees and PT workers alike.

Important HR metrics include, but are not limited to:

  • Headcount
  • Cost of HR per employee
  • Goal tracking
  • Demographics
  • Time to hire
  • Time to productivity
  • Voluntary turnover
  • Promotion rate
  • Span of control
  • Compa-Ratio
  • Salary range penetration
  • Total compensation spend rate
  • New Hire Turnover
  • Training Completion Rate
  • Healthcare usage by plan
  • Cost-per-hire
  • Time to fill
  • Offer acceptance rate
  • Employee satisfaction rate
  • Retention rate
  • Absence rate (Absenteeism)
  • Overtime hours
  • Revenue per employee
  • Performance
  • Potential

If that list seems extensive, that’s because it is! Recruiting, interviewing, hiring, training, employing, and even firing or losing people provides a company with tremendous information. Understanding that information and acting on it correctly can help your business grow, succeed, and thrive. Misunderstanding can lead to failure and destroy a company and its work culture.

An HR Dashboard brings all that data, everything on that list, and more into a single view, just like your car's dashboard. It can interface with multiple applications your HR department may be using and compile all the data from all those apps into one streamlined screen for you.

Importance and Benefits of HR Dashboards

Aside from the obvious convenience, why do you need an HR dashboard? Maybe you feel confident about your company's direction and don’t think an HR dashboard is necessary.

Relieve Your HR Team

An HR dashboard streamlines your HR processes and lightens the labor load on your HR team. This relief means you can better capitalize on your human capital. You can put your team to better use than reading and compiling paper reports for weekly management meetings.

Your HR team is better used to working with your people, settling conflicts, and recruiting, interviewing, and hiring quality personnel. The less we can keep the HR department buried in data and paperwork, the better.

Help Define and Align with KPIs

Your Key Performance Indicators include headcount and the rates of turnover, promotion, and retention to maintain a strategic workforce. As CEO, top executive, or manager, your goal is to focus on the bottom line. You also want to drive sales and ensure excellent service or product delivery. To do that, you must ensure your entire team is on board, well-trained, and equipped to compete in an increasingly digital workplace environment. How do you do that?

Communicate effectively with your team using an HR dashboard

When you understand, value, and develop your human capital through effective utilization of your HR Dashboard, you know each team member you have is playing to their strengths and that you are helping them develop their weaknesses. Your KPIs will practically take care of themselves. Strategic visibility of the workforce will become the status quo.

For HR business partners and the internal HR team, creating, maintaining, and sharing accurate and fresh HR reports for strategic visibility across the organization to stakeholders and management is imperative.

HR Dashboards and Reporting to CEOs and Top Management

Once you implement an HR dashboard into your Human Resources department, your People Operations leaders can get a single, real-time view of all of your HR data. With an HR dashboard, such as a cloud-based HR dashboard solution, all of your HR data will transform into data stories, providing a full picture of what is at stake in your company.

HR Executives and HR Managers can then translate those stories for management and CEOs with adequate data on hand, so management can make the necessary changes and shifts within the organization to meet KPIs in real-time. Not after every quarterly report.

With HR Dashboard software, top management can expect data collected into a single database for easy and accurate report creation. This translates into:

  • Time saved, labor saved, and more accessible work-life balance through trusting effective automation to do many HR tasks.
  • Beautiful charts and graphs for presentations using data visualization.
  • A more effective HR department that feels valued and adequately utilized creates a positive employee experience throughout the employee lifecycle.

How to Create HR Dashboards: 4 Excel Examples with Templates

So you’re ready to get started? You can create your own with Excel Spreadsheets.

Here is an example HR dashboard using Excel (With Dashboard Templates & Examples)

The Excel template is free and ready to create your HR dashboard. Download the practice file and check the details.

Excel HR Dashboard Example
Excel HR Dashboard - Example by excelkid

Download HR Dashboard Templates and Examples — Free for DEI HR Dashboards, Surveys & More

Create Dashboards with Business Intelligence Tools: 3 Examples with Templates

Business Intelligence Tools Can Be Used to Create HR Dashboards

You can also create HR dashboards more easily with Business Intelligence (BI) Tools. Some of the top BI tools in the market include:

  • Tableau (more here): see the Job application process funnel dashboard below
  • PowerBI (watch video): see the Diversity Dashboard example below
  • Google Data Studio: see a high-level HR dashboard showing headcount below

These typically are complicated, time-consuming, and require deep technical expertise and knowledge to create and maintain accurate and fresh HR analytics reports.

Job Application process funnel dashboard using Tableau

Job application funnel - recruiter dashboard example template using BI tool Tableau
Job Application Process Dashboard Template by Starschema

Example Demographics HR Dashboard using the Microsoft PowerBI tool

Agile HR Analytics
Agile HR Analytics dashboard - sample Demographics Dashboard

Example HR dashboard and template using the business intelligence tool Google Data Studio

HR Dashboard Example and Template using Google Data Studio
People Analytics dashboard example and free HR dashboard template using Data Studio by OrgWeaver

Going Beyond BI Tools: Top 3 Examples to Create HR Dashboards with People Analytics Software

Use an automated HR dashboard solution for advanced people analytics, data visualization, and sharing between departments

Next, you can explore an automated option with purpose-built HR dashboard software. An HR Dashboard software solution will automatically pull HR metrics to create people analytics and integrate them using your existing HR information systems (HRIS'/HRMS') by an expert team of HR data consultants and analysts.

Some of the most compelling and robust HR analytics and data visualization software create your HR dashboard for you. Here is an example HR dashboard builder by VC-backed company eqtble:

HR dashboard example showing HR data insights that creates an HR dashboard that is shareable by eqtble
eqtble is a no-code HR dashboard and people analytics as a service offering

Not just that, but many automated HR dashboard solutions can save almost a full work day, increase visibility into workforce insights across the organization, and ensure correct metrics are calculated (no more messing with formulas in Excel).

Next we have another HR dashboard solution provider here which shows its Diversity Dashboard from VC-backed Employee Cycle.

Example HR dashboard of an automated HR metrics dashboard:

Employee Cycle HR analytics dashboard with professional drinking coffee and analyzing DEI data
Employee Cycle HR dashboard solution depicted

As you'll see the above two HR tech companies provide purpose-built HR analytics dashboards. They are essentially automated business intelligence and data visualization tools tailor-made for Human Resource teams without technical analytics capacities.

The next one up is a crowd favorite due to it's growing use cases and predictive analytics baked in. This one is from VC-backed Orgnostic, which takes a more sophisticated approach and is co-founded by a former Chief Human Resource Officer, Luka Babic.

The following HR dashboard example shows their people analytics solution helps to to discern key employee experience insights by looking at the company's employee engagement survey results by quarter:

Orgnostic people analytics solution showing an analysis of Post-onboarding of employees over quarters to enhance the employee experience.

Top features of HR dashboard software may include:

  • Unlimited users
  • Dashboard customization
  • Email support
  • Unlimited Integrations
  • Near-real-time data with auto-sync
  • HR metrics in one place
  • Dashboard sharing

Using Your HR Dashboard to Glean Accurate People Insights

With an HR dashboard, you can easily understand your attrition, recruiting efforts, and employee pulse. Plus, these platforms are built by experts, so you can be confident you're getting key insights and strategic recommendations.

Drive data-backed people decisions. Whether you're just getting your people analytics off the ground or tying into an established HR analytics department, you can use these solutions.

Related: Free People Analytics Masterclass (on-demand)

Top 10 cloud-based HR dashboard solutions to automate HR reporting

Transform your workforce by operationalizing HR data with an automated people analytics solution. For automated HR analytics and data visualization software solution, we have summarized the top people analytics solutions in this Top 10 List of People Analytics Software Solutions.

Get started with an HR dashboard and people analytics solution to improve your workforce by operationalizing HR data. This will save time for HR Generalists and HR Directors, and provide management with greater insight into how employees reach new levels of employee satisfaction, productivity, and a better employee experience.

See the Top 10 HR Analytics Software Solutions to find what fits your needs to get started today.

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7taps was used to create this snackable mico-course.

Establish Clear Goals

Define the desired outcomes of the employee experience transformation and create a plan to achieve them

Develop a Culture of Engagement

Create a culture that encourages employees to participate in the transformation process and rewards them for their efforts

Focus on Employee Well-Being

Ensure that employees have access to the resources they need to succeed, such as flexible working arrangements, health and wellness initiatives, and other benefits

Utilize Technology

Leverage technology to improve the efficiency of the transformation process and to provide employees with a better experience

Measure Progress

Track progress throughout the transformation process to ensure that the desired outcomes are being achieved

What is the most important step for successful employee experience transformation?

Establishing a clear vision and strategy is essential for successful employee experience transformation as it provides direction and focus for the transformation process.

Quiz options:

  • Establishing a clear vision and strategy
  • Mapping the current employee journey
  • Implementing the new technology

Congrats on completing this micro-course on EX Transformation!

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As HR professionals, we play a critical role in shaping the work experiences of employees and building cultures that foster success and well-being. One approach that can help us in this mission is to focus on human-centered work.

What is human-centered work, and why is it important?

At its core, human-centered work is work that puts the needs and well-being of people at the center of its focus. It recognizes that work is not just a means of income generation, but also a means for personal growth, self-expression, and enjoyment. It understands that work can provide opportunities for learning, perspective, self-affirmation, and making a positive impact on the world.

Being human-centered work is about more than just personal growth

It also recognizes the importance of productivity and efficiency, but understands that traditional ways we work may not always be the most effective or sustainable. For example, the traditional model of working long hours and sacrificing personal time that could be enjoyed with our families for the sake of productivity is not sustainable in the long term, and can lead to burnout and reduced productivity. Instead, human-centered work seeks to find ways to increase productivity while also supporting the well-being and happiness of employees.

Adopt human-centered methods and technologies

One way to do this is by adopting new productivity methods and technologies. Technology gives us unprecedented leverage, but it is only useful if it is surrounded by the right rules, mental models, policies and procedures, habits, and paradigms. Adopting new technologies can be challenging, as it requires change and can evoke fear, anxiety, overwhelm, and resistance.

However, with the right guidance and support, employees can learn to embrace change and find new ways of working that are more efficient and effective. Take, for example, AI tools like ChatGPT which has been trending since it came out last month. It uses technologies trained on a vast amount of knowledge, and is able to have a dialogue with you and even act as your personal assistant, editor, writer, and can be used to improve your own productivity as an extension of your own capabilities, done right. The following is an example prompt and response:

An example dialogue of how HR managers can use AI tools. ChatGPT depicted.
Example ChatGPT dialogue with result

Overall, in this example of using AI and technology to boost productivity, ChatGPT can help the HR manager streamline their internal communications about the benefits change and reduce the time they spend answering questions and sending updates. This will allow them to be more productive and focus on other important tasks.

Meaningful Work Matters

As HR professionals, it is our responsibility to help employees understand themselves, their values, and their goals, and to guide them in finding work that is meaningful and fulfilling for them. This requires building cultures that support personal growth and development, and providing employees with the tools and resources they need to succeed. It also requires creating a sense of community and connection among employees, and fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration.

Being Human-Centered Applies to both Employees & Customers

In addition to these internal factors, HR professionals also need to consider the external context in which work takes place. This includes understanding the needs and expectations of customers and clients, as well as the impact of work on the broader community and society. By taking a holistic approach to work, HR professionals can help employees find purpose and meaning in their work, and contribute to the greater good.

In conclusion, human-centered work is a vital concept for HR professionals to consider as we strive to create cultures that support the success and well-being of employees. By focusing on personal growth, productivity, and a holistic approach to work, we can help employees find meaning and fulfillment in their work and contribute to a more peaceful and just society. So, it is very important for HR professionals to understand the concept of human-centered work and how to implement it in their organization.

The human resources industry is full of jargon. Sometimes it can feel like HR professionals are speaking a different language. If you're new to the HR field, or you're looking for a refresher on HR terminology, this guide is for you.

  • HR Management- often abbreviated as HRM, this is a business organization’s human resources department. Their main functions are hiring, firing, and managing the employees, the workplace, and the processes. They keep things running smoothly and ensure best practices are followed that benefit everyone in the organization. 
  • Leadership Development- training to develop essential leadership skills that will benefit the organization as a whole. With effective leadership development, there is an increase in productivity that bolsters revenue and reaches the bottom line. 
  • PeopleOps: People operations, also known as PeopleOps or people management, is the director of the workforce and talent management at a company. People Ops is the stuff inside people operations: HR, talent acquisition, payroll, benefits, payroll, benefits, and compensation.
  • Talent Acquisition: often abbreviated as TA, talent acquisition focuses on acquiring external candidates to fill jobs. This may be internal, or external such as with a recruiting agency partner.
  • Recruiting- the process of discovering potential employees and leading them through hiring. Recruiting encompasses multiple aspects such as interviewing, selection, and onboarding.
  • Talent Management- In HR, talent management is the development and running of a productive workforce. Talent management includes building a long-term team that is devoted to the organization and ensures greater productivity and performance. 
  • Talent Development- With talent development, the HR team identifies each team member's skills and talents to build them and create more benefits for the organization. It is also used to identify new skills that can be trained and honed for the overall success of the business. 
  • Employee Development Plan - Employee development plans are focused on the overall development of an employee’s skills. The purpose of these plans is to develop skills in each employee that are cohesive with the goals of the organization. They are often chosen to fill in skill gaps in the organization. 
  • Career Development- each employee’s personal plan for career growth. It focuses on areas they would like to grow in and has their own specific career goal in mind. 
  • HR Metrics- these specific metrics are key because they measure and track important data relevant to an organization. This helps HR teams monitor how effective their initiatives are and determine if they should make any adjustments. 
  • HR Analytics- often referred to as people analytics or workforce analytics, it is the use of data to ensure the department is running optimally and that the most effective and productive decisions are being made. It enables teams to predict, inform, decide, and train.
  • HR Technology- HR tech encompasses all of the technology used by HR teams for various business functions. These functions include time and attendance, payroll, benefits, recruitment, and more.
  • Hybrid Work- The hybrid work model includes an organization where teams work both in the office and remotely. HR is responsible for providing oversight and management of hybrid teams, including work processes, functioning, and more. 
  • Distributed Teams- With distributed teams, employees are remote and often work from a variety of geographical locations. Most employees are remote and spread around, while some may occasionally perform hybrid work and head into a physical office. 
  • HR Certification- An HR certification is an effective way to both demonstrate and measure each HR professional’s knowledge, skill, and commitment. Certificates can be used for promotions, to stand out from other professionals, and to help keep the HR team up to date. 
  • Employee Experience- The employee experience (EX) makes up everything the employee experiences from their first day on the job to their last. It includes hiring, onboarding, training, workplace culture, management, and incentives. It’s important because it helps build a strong and loyal team for the organization. 
  • Employee Experience Transformation-  Employee experience transformation refers to the HR team intentionally working towards enhancing the employee experience. The transformation includes the use of analytics to understand the current employee experience and how to make changes to increase the satisfaction of employees. 
  • Employee Experience Platform: a technology platform that captures employee data and provides people analytics. It is a central repository of employee data that tracks an employee's lifecycle with the company, from onboarding to offboarding. An EX platform collects data on employee engagement, performance, feedback, compensation, and more. It is a single source of truth that can be used to make data-driven decisions to improve employee experience.
  • Employee Engagement Score: a metric that assesses how invested your employees are in contributing to your company's success. While various factors can affect this score, it is primarily influenced by emotions and relationships. The score is not determined by perks and events, such as pizza parties or book clubs, but by fostering connections and shared purpose among employees.
  • DEIAB (Diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging)- HR focuses on DEIAB, and creating an environment that operates on these principles.
    • Diversity is the presence of difference. Who is here? 
    • Equity is the fair and just treatment for all. Whose needs are met?
    • Inclusion is encouraging and embracing difference. Who is heard?
    • Accessibility is Openness to all. Who can participate?
    • Belonging is the identification with a community. Who feels welcome? 
  • JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) - JEDI is an acronym for inclusivity in the workplace. It focuses on justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and comfortable, with no discrimination. 
  • Workplace Culture- culture in the workplace is the overall feeling and experience of workers in the organization. It is typically made up of management practices, behaviors of team members, policies of the organization, and the various amenities that the workplace has for employees. 
  • Skills-based Hiring- Skill-based hiring is a hiring approach being used by more and more organizations. It focuses on the potential employees’ experience and abilities instead of their degrees and where they went to college. Skills-based hiring often includes skills testing during the hiring process.  
  • Employee Relations- When it comes to employee relations, HR is responsible for preventing and resolving any disputes or issues that arise between employees and management. They also help to create rules and policies that minimize issues and ensure workplace equality. 
  • Employee Resource Groups (ERGS)- These are groups that are led by employees and are entirely voluntary to join. They work towards building an inclusive and diverse workplace. These groups are supported by the organization, typically through HR. 
  • Behavioral Interviews- In behavioral interviews, potential hires are asked to describe a certain situation in a previous job and how they dealt with it. This allows interviewees to showcase themselves as an employee, while also giving the HR team a chance to hear about the potential employee in action. 
  • Returning Workers- A returning worker is one who was away from work for some time, often due to illness, injury, or furlough, and is now returning. HR facilitates the return-to-work process to ensure a smooth transition back into the workplace. 
  • Digital HR- In digital HR, innovative technology, analytics, and digital processes are used and monitored instead of traditional processes. Workflow and processes are streamlined and automated, making things more efficient. Typically digital HR uses cloud and SaaS technology. 
  • Employee Retention- Employee retention refers to the rate at which employees remain with an organization. Organizations can work to create a desirable workplace culture to boost retention. This typically includes ensuring a positive work environment, employee appreciation, and great pay/benefits. 
  • Employee Turnover- The turnover rate is a measurement that looks at how many people leave an organization during a specified time period, often annually. Understanding employee departure helps HR determine changes that should be in place to reduce turnover and increase retention. 
  • HR Generalist- In HR, a generalist is a professional with a wide range of HR skills and functions. Instead of focusing on one pinpointed area, they typically handle multiple entry-level tasks. 
  • HR Manager- The HR manager is a human resources supervisor who monitors HR professionals and their tasks each day. They implement strategies and guide their HR team for the overall benefit and growth of the organization. 
  • Chief People Officer- The chief people officer is a corporate officer. They oversee the entire HR department, including management, policies, and practices. 
  • HR Assistant- An HR assistant helps the HR manager with their tasks, including payroll, benefits, and recruitment. They are an essential component of the functioning of both the HR department and the organization as a whole. 
  • Human Resources Consultant- An HR consultant does multiple tasks, such as training, educating, consulting, and providing HR solutions for organizations. This position includes researching, analyzing, and counseling management for more effective processes and solutions. 
  • Human Resources Business Partner- An HR business partner works with an organization for the overall improvement of HR functions and processes. Their tasks typically include the creation of agendas and leading HR teams to achieve certain results. 
  • PEO (Professional Employer Organization)- PEO is comprehensive HR outsourcing. Organizations that do not need or want a full in-house HR team can outsource certain elements of HR to another company. Often businesses outsource payroll, benefits, and even recruitment, instead of taking care of them in-house. 
  • Future of Work- The future of work (FoW) is an overall look at how things could change in the workplace in the coming years. The ideas consider advances in technology as well as society. Considering these things help organizations develop better processes and a more streamlined workplace that moves them and their employees more seamlessly into the future. 
  • Four-Day Workweek- The idea of the four-day workweek came about in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. By moving to a four-day workweek, companies can increase the work-life balance of their teams and create a happier and more productive workplace. 
  • Workplace productivity & Time to Productivity- Productivity in the workplace is a basic measurement of the efficiency of the team as a whole each day. It doesn’t simply look at how fast things are getting done, but also if the essential things are getting done. 
  • Cultural Fit- this explores the idea that people who fit within a company are more successful for that company. It also considers the idea that those who at the outset seems to be the best fit are not always. Thus, cultural fit is more about those with adaptability than those with what appears to be immediate fit-ness.
  • Attrition- Attrition refers to terminations (both voluntary and involuntary), retirements, and deaths, all of which lead to a reduction in employees within an organization. Understanding and keeping track of attrition is important for HR teams.
  • Chief People Officer (CPO)- The chief people officer (CPO) is a corporate title for the executive who heads up an organization's human resources (HR) department.

The HR industry is full of jargon. We hope you enjoyed this HR Glossary, which breaks down commonly used HR terms and phrases. It was created to help those seeking leadership and People roles in human resources, from students to executives, in order to better understand HR industry terminology.

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Looking for some good HRM eBooks to help you learn more about the topic? Look no further! Here are 235 great options from bookboon that are bite-sized for busy people leaders.

There are a lot of different aspects to human resources management (HRM), and it can be difficult to know where to start when trying to learn more about the topic. However, there are a few key resources that can help get you started on your journey to becoming an HR expert. One great way to learn more about HR is to read bite-sized eBooks on the subject. This way, you can learn about a specific topic without feeling overwhelmed by a long, dense book.

You can download and read books on just about anything on Human Resource Management and other subjects, at a nominal cost or at no cost, depending. There are a lot of different eBooks available on HR, so you can pick and choose which topics you want to focus on. Another great way to learn more about HR is to attend webinars, explore and earn HR certification, and discover top online HR courses.

Check out these top HRM eBooks and Audio Books that are bite-sized for busy people leaders like yourself below.

  1. The Seven Deadly Sins of Employment
  2. Dealing with Chronic Mondayitis
  3. Congratulations, You’re a Compliance Officer!
  4. Applied Research in HRM
  5. The Experts Teach: Training Skills
  6. In Focus: An Interview with 'The Evil HR Lady'
  7. HR2025: The Future of Employee Engagement
  8. HR2025: The Future of Work – Managing People
  9. Human Resources: A Practical Guide
  10. Soft Skills: Turning the Invisible into Visible
  11. In Focus: Are Leaders Ready for Life Post-COVID?
  12. Expert Talk: HR and Change
  13. Living Longer
  14. Expert Talk: Conflict Types and Escalation
  15. Preparing for Personality Tests
  16. In Focus: Learning is Essential for Survival
  17. Teamwork: Individual Commitment to a Group Effort
  18. Virtual Onboarding
  19. Micro Talk: HR - Behaviour In The Workplace
  20. Expert Talk: Gender Gap & Inclusion
  21. Managing the Human Resource in the 21st century
  22. How to Draft and Implement an Employee Handbook
  23. The Important Employees are the Ones You Keep
  24. Learning Models and Styles
  25. The Unconscious Bias
  26. In Focus: How to Choose a Career That Fits You
  27. The Secret to Being Happy at Work
  28. Expert Talk: Choosing the Right Recruiter
  29. Gamifying Learning in a New Era
  30. Strategic Management of Human Capital
  31. Expert Talk: Managing Talent, a Business Priority
  32. Micro Talk: HR - Privacy and Protection, Part 1
  33. Achieve Positive Group Dynamics
  34. The Benefits of an Inclusive Culture
  35. Micro Talk: Understanding Discrimination, Part 2
  36. Corporate Practices to Establish Working Remotely
  37. 7 Pillars of Organisational Wellbeing
  38. In Focus: Are You Managing Your Talent Wisely?
  39. Conquering UK Employment Law – Redundancy
  40. Intercultural Competence
  41. In Focus: Wellbeing, Inclusion, Belonging at Work
  42. The 4th Industrial Revolution & the Future of Jobs
  43. HR Champions of Change
  44. Training Skills
  45. Recruitment and Training
  46. The Meaning of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
  47. Where Does Your MBTI Type Fit In?
  48. Understanding MBTI Type
  49. In Focus: Recruitment in the COVID-19 Era
  50. Building Stronger Organizations
  51. Expert Talk: Craft a Story to Disrupt a Service
  52. Spotting Talent in Your Team
  53. Managerial Authority and Responsibility
  54. Expert Talk: How to Deal with Sexual Harassment
  55. Business Ethics
  56. Micro Talk: Understanding Discrimination, Part 3
  57. Happy Employees Lead to Happy Customers
  58. Expert Talk: Talent Management
  59. Employee Recognition and Rewards
  60. How to Manage Performance
  61. In Focus: Bringing L&D to a Reluctant Industry
  62. In Focus: The Revival of Learning Culture
  63. Micro Talk: Learning and Development Insights
  64. Quantum of Ethics
  65. The Essentials of Workplace Investigation
  66. Employee Engagement and Performance Management
  67. Micro Talk: Distractions versus Productivity
  68. Wealth and Mental Health
  69. What Rewards Drive Your People?
  70. Keep Moving: How to Shine During Uncertain Times
  71. In Focus: Digital on-the-job Learning at Kearney
  72. Getting Redundancy Right
  73. Employers Guide to Family Friendly Flexibility
  74. Disability Discrimination in the Workplace
  75. How to Employ Your First Employee
  76. How to Manage Conflict between Team Members
  77. Expert Talk: Organisation Recruitment
  78. Micro Talk: Conflict Resolution
  79. Exit Interviews
  80. Expert Talk: Using Social Media in HR
  81. Running Effective Appraisals
  82. HR Management Controls of Duty of Care
  83. Meetings, Selection & Appraisal Interviews
  84. Lifelong Learning Skills
  85. Motivating Remote Workers
  86. Employee Engagement in a Remote World
  87. Building a Culture for a Future-Proof Business
  88. Conquering UK Employment Law – Termination
  89. In Focus: The Role of People Professionals
  90. How to Get The Best Out of Introverts & Extroverts
  91. Can Organizations Treat People as Individuals?
  92. Delegation and Empowerment
  93. In Focus: Recruitment for the British Army
  94. Expert Talk: Employee & Customer Experience
  95. Hiring and Interviewing Before and After Covid-19
  96. Disclosure of Sexuality in the Workplace
  97. Humanize the Hiring Experience
  98. The Skills Shortage and an Underused Talent Pool
  99. In Focus: An Amazing Story of Resilience
  100. The Importance of Learning for Business Wellbeing
  101. L&D Landscape 2022
  102. A Mystery Artist Helps Demystify Work Life Balance
  103. What Drives Your People?
  104. Inclusive Leadership
  105. Employee engagement
  106. Creating Work that Works for Your Employees
  107. Keep Moving: Accepting the Chaos
  108. What Makes Up Your MBTI Type?
  109. What Kind of World Do We Want?
  110. Micro Talk: Workplace Bullying
  111. Working from Home as a Recruitment Consultant
  112. What do HR People do?
  113. Focus, Persistence & Resilience
  114. The Environment is Sending Invoices to the Economy
  115. Recruitment and Selection in the Digital Age
  116. Micro Talk: Resolving Conflict Situations
  117. Personal Data Support Tools
  118. The Great Resignation
  119. Social Life Cycle Analysis - an Introduction
  120. Homelessness and Work
  121. Expert Talk: Recovering and Adapting
  122. Selection Process and Recruitment Plan Guide
  123. Team Building with a Focus on Quality
  124. What You Can Expect from Executive Coaching
  125. Post COVID Evolutionary Learning & Development
  126. Expert Talk: Hiring Process & Objective Assessment
  127. Learning Organizations
  128. Achieving Culture Change
  129. Expert Talk: Leadership and HR
  130. Focus: How to Ignore Distractions & Get More Done
  131. Expert Talk: Who’s going to Fly the Plane
  132. Teambuilding
  133. Expert Talk: Challenges faced by L&D Professionals
  134. Virtual Workplace HR Policies Book 4
  135. How to Develop Competencies
  136. MBTI for Teams: Type and Communication
  137. Creating a Futuristic Business Mission
  138. Investigation Skills for Managers
  139. MBTI for Teams: Effective Group Work
  140. Training and Development
  141. Banter and Bullying
  142. Keep Moving: Making Change Stick
  143. The Effects of COVID-19 on McKinsey's L&D strategy
  144. The Role of the Brain in Learning
  145. Human Resource Management
  146. Managing human resource learning for innovation
  147. What are Appraisal Meetings?
  148. Handling Employee Complaints and Grievances
  149. M&A Due Diligence
  150. Money Doesn't Motivate
  151. Learning: 70-20-10
  152. Critical Touch Points of Recruitment
  153. The Experts Teach: Recruitment and Selection
  154. Code of Conduct
  155. Corporate Wellness
  156. Keep Moving: 7 Tendencies of Ineffective People
  157. A Model for Creating Psychological Safety at Work
  158. 21st Century Corporate Learning & Development
  159. How Adults Learn
  160. HR2025: Human Resource Management in the Future
  161. In Focus: Learning Culture at Disney
  162. Psychologically Safe Workplaces: Utopia Revisited
  163. Experiential Learning
  164. Numerical Analysis in HRM
  165. Design, Prepare and Conduct a Winning Interview
  166. Understanding Ethical Leadership
  167. Giving Employees Freedom to Shine
  168. The Line Manager’s Role
  169. Cultural Awareness
  170. Office politics
  171. Employee Wellbeing and Stress Management
  172. Expert Talk: Talent Acquisition & Culture
  173. The Origins of the Four-Day Work Week
  174. In Focus: The Importance of Lifelong Learning
  175. The Essential Guide to Candidate Experience
  176. Micro Talk: HR - Privacy and Protection, Part 2
  177. Learning Maps for Managers
  178. Audiobook: Tale of Resilience in Challenging Times
  179. Expert Talk: Gratitude as Choice
  180. Business Resilience from Trainees to CEOs
  181. In Focus: Mobilizing Innovation Through People
  182. Training vs. Learning and Development
  183. Expert Talk: Surviving a Life-Changing Experience
  184. Back Off!
  185. How To Sack Employees
  186. Motivation for Returning to the Office
  187. Expert Talk: The Golden Rules of Office Politics
  188. Working from Home
  189. Expert Talk: Honing your Interview Skills
  190. Coping in a Crisis
  191. Dealing with Conflict and Complaints
  192. Transforming People Management
  193. Staying Relevant in The Workplace
  194. In Focus: The New Normal in Learning & Development
  195. In Focus: An Agile Approach to Learning Design
  196. High Impact Strategic HR
  197. In Focus: Diversity & Inclusion in a Hybrid World
  198. Embracing a Culture Driven By Feedback
  199. Expert Talk: Pitching for a Job
  200. Social Class: A Prolific Form of Discrimination
  201. In Focus: Questions L&D Professionals Should Ask
  202. Why is Company Culture Important?
  203. How to Develop a High Performing Team Culture
  204. The Impact of Menopause in the Workplace
  205. Micro Talk: Understanding Discrimination, Part 1
  206. What is an Employee Handbook?
  207. Trauma Strikes When it Likes!
  208. Tackling Workplace Investigations
  209. Keep the Best People in your Team
  210. MBTI for Teams: Types and Change
  211. Maximizing People Potential
  212. 101 Ways to Engage your Talent
  213. In Focus: Where Leadership and Culture Meet
  214. In Focus: Building an Outstanding Workforce
  215. Expert Talk: Tennis Player Karenlene Barritza
  216. Expert Talk: Life is Change
  217. Conflict is Part of Life and Leadership
  218. Creating Cultures that Support High Performers
  219. A Positive Culture Creates Positive Spillover
  220. The Benefits of Out-of-the-Box Thinking
  221. Company Culture Redefined and Energized
  222. Use Praise to Create a Better Culture in Your Team
  223. In Focus: Learning in an Agile Environment
  224. Expert Talk: Being Successful in Your New Job
  225. It's the Way We Do It Here
  226. In Focus: Employer Branding at Albert Heijn
  227. Recruitment and Selection
  228. Expert Talk: M&A and Company Culture
  229. Talent Management: A Focus on Excellence
  230. Expert Talk: Life is a Self-Discovery Journey
  231. Expert Talk: Emotional Fitness is Key to Success
  232. In Focus: Personalized Learning
  233. Expert Talk: The Case for Learning at Work
  234. Expert Talk: People Management
  235. How to Achieve Corporate Success with DEI

In a recent webinar with Orgnostic People Analytics software, Luka Babic goes through a few challenges, data points on the importance of HR data by McKinsey, and the entire employee life cycle and his team's model for it. He then goes on to provide his insights when we asked him about employee experience transformation.

Employee retention challenges in a distributed world

  • Voluntary turnover costs $630 billion
  • 97% of people have actively considered switching jobs in 2022
  • 65% of employees believe they can find a better position elsewhere
  • 63% of employee take sick days due to burnout
  • 51% of employees said they would heavily consider leaving their current organization for one that offers greater support with burnout and stress

The role of HR data in a distributed world

In a distributed world, HR data can help to

  • increase efficiency in recruitment by 80%
  • increase business productivity by 25%
  • decrease employee turnover rates by 50%

Boosting remote employee experience is possible with people analytics! So, what is the importance of people analytics for remote and hybrid HR teams?

  • Extended use of HR technology = More data
  • Proximity bias (out of sight, out of mind syndrome) = High anxiety
  • Transaction nature of work = Increased disengagement
  • Front-line management pressure = Turnover reactions
  • Lack of private-life boundaries = Mental health risk

Organizations need to build, measure, and learn to succeed. The lean startup model has good learnings around this for further reading.

Capturing the full employee life cycle

Capturing the full employee life cycle by Orgnostic people analytics software - Luka Babic

Orgnostic's employee life cycle model

Capturing the full employee life cycle by Orgnostic people analytics software - Luka Babic

Question: Data is the infrastructure of employee experience. So, how does accessible people analytics work towards employee experience transformation? I see it similar to customer experience transformation, requiring cultural change.

Answer (edited): I completely agree actually the point that it is very similar to customer experience. Employee experience transformation does require a cultural change, or at least the culture underlying or the baseline that exists and this is something that was very mind-boggling to me generally in most of the companies. When you think about all the other functions in the organization from the very onset of a startup or company, sales is going to be data-driven. Marketing is going to be data-driven. Product is going to be data-driven. Engineering is going to be data-driven. So, they're all usually data-driven, and companies that have all these components at the top management level, that are benefits to that.

You have all the ingredients to make the soup; quite often HR just doesn't "cross the chasm" — and HR remains the only sort of feeling-driven function — and that isn't ideal because it is not being factored properly by the rest of the executive leadership team and to an extent the result of talent as well. And I think that that's the kind of a chasm — HR leadership needs to adopt this kind of mindset, that we need to build a data-driven function... because management is usually appreciating that kind of approach.

It's just about being being as mindful about what are the things that you should measure (HR metrics) and actually having a framework in mind (like OKRs) so that when you're coming in to share HR insights with management, it make sense, and it's not just a bunch of random numbers, or HR dashboards that you're that you're pushing around, which will not benefit your data-driven agenda.

But it's a great point. I think it's a great point that is very similar to the customer experience transformation and and that kind of mindset shift among the organization, specifically HR management in this case.

Luka Babic is the co-founder and CEO of the Orgnostic people analytics platform. Prior to founding Orgnostic, Luka was the Head of People Ops/CHRO and member of the Board at the tech unicorn Infobip. Before that, Luka worked as a researcher at Harvard, and he combines his industry knowledge and his deep connection with the academic community to tackle the challenge of making HR a truly data-driven, strategic function.

Image source & credits: Luka Babic / Orgnostic

Don't have your HR data operationalized as your infrastructure of employee experience yet?

Consider exploring top people analytics software like Orgnostic as your source of truth for HR data—which is a prerequisite for employee experience transformation.

So, why are diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives important? And what is the return on investment (ROI) of DE&I?

Good news! There are many ways to measure the value of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Bad news: it’s not easy to find accurate, comprehensive metrics for calculating the overall effectiveness of your DEI program. That’s  particularly true when you’re measuring outcomes related to change management and cultural transformation.

That’s likely to change over the next few years, as more companies make DEI initiatives a core part of their business strategy. In the meantime, here we’ll look at a few key metrics you can use to measure the effectiveness of your DEI program.

ROI of DEI initiatives

To determine the ROI of DEI initiatives, you need to measure both business outcomes and employee perceptions. Here are a few metrics to measure each. You can find more HR metrics here.

  • Business outcomes
  • Leadership-oriented measures:
  • Increase in revenue/profitability
  • Decrease in costs/over  haul
  • Customer or member satisfaction ratings
  • Bottom-line-oriented measures:
  • Cost-saving or -creating innovation
  • Improvement in process efficiency
  • Human-oriented measures:
  • Employee satisfaction ratings
  • Retention rates
  • Voluntary turnover rates
  • Perception-oriented measures:
  • Volunteer rates (when compared to industry norms)
  • D&I-related surveys (e.g. employee feedback on diversity initiatives)
  • Measurement challenges

Measuring the impact of DEI initiatives is challenging, but not impossible.

Keeping track of data is important for understanding the diversity of your workforce, seeing how your DEI efforts are doing over time, and measuring how your organization's DEI status compares to others in your industry.

Fortunately, there are solutions for many of these problems. For example, you can improve the validity and reliability of diversity data by standardizing how you collect it.

Over time, all these efforts should result in accurate, consistent data that can be used to:

  • Show the need for DEI programs
  • Demonstrate the impact  of initiatives and efforts
  • Show the need for greater investment

To do that, you’ll need to measure both business outcomes and employee perceptions.

  • Build a case for DEI investment
  • How to build a case for DEI investment

When trying to build a case for DEI investment, you’ll run into several common objections. This is primarily because diversity initiatives cost money but don’t generate revenue, at least not in the immediate term.

Before you can generate revenue from your diversity initiatives, you need to first spend money on implementing and nurturing them. These initial costs are usually a hindrance to investment, but a good ROI story can help overcome resistance.

Use statistics from leading companies to state your case if you don't have your own first-party data to back up your initiative. For example, companies with above-average gender and racial/ethnic diversity in leadership roles are eight times more likely to be in the top 10% of organizations for financial performance (DDI, 2020).

Co-create your DEI initiative with your team and leadership

This will require you to operationalize a culture of authentic collaboration by building trust with leadership and your team, as well as using your HR data to determine important DEI metrics with your people analytics journey.

What is DE&IAB? DEI can encompass accessibility and belonging (DEIAB)

  • DEIAB (Diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging)- Leadership and especially HR teams must make an attempt to focus on DEIAB, and creating an environment that operates on these principles.
    • Diversity is the presence of difference. Who is here? 
    • Equity is the fair and just treatment for all. Whose needs are met?
    • Inclusion is encouraging and embracing difference. Who is heard?
    • Accessibility is Openness to all. Who can participate?
    • Belonging is the identification with a community. Who feels welcome?


JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) - JEDI is an acronym for inclusivity in the workplace. It focuses on justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and comfortable, with no discrimination. 

Often times, DEI programs make an attempt to address this, but not comprehensively.
