The pandemic has forced organizations of all sizes to rapidly adapt their workplace policies and procedures to accommodate a remote-first workforce. For many people leaders, this has meant a crash course in HR best practices for managing a remote team. If you're looking for ways to continue developing your HR skillset, we've compiled a list of our top HR webinars for remote-first people leaders. From managing the performance of remote employees to developing an inclusive remote culture, these webinars will help you build the skills you need to thrive in a remote-first world.

These top HR webinars will help remote-first people leaders like yourself develop the skills you need.

  1. Rewrite the Future of Work with Adam Grant - It’s time to rethink your fundamental assumptions about work with organizational psychologist and bestselling author Adam Grant, hosted by Grammarly.
  2. Transforming How We Work - New rituals, tech, and practices to create a more human workplace in a hybrid world with Arianna Huffington, Founder & CEO of Thrive, Joe Thomas, Co-Founder & CEO of Loom, and Roberto Ortiz, Co-Founder & CEO of Welcome.
  3. Be a Great Place to Work: Strategies to Strengthen Employee Retention with HiBob's Talent Acquisition Manager, Marc Douch & Tempo's Chief People Officer, Laura Skinner.
  4. 4 Practical Employee Retention Strategies: unpack best practices from the Director of HR at BambooHR for practical advice on combating the trends behind the Great Resignation.
  5. Addressing Quiet Quitting, Out Loud - Join people science experts to explore the psychology of “quiet quitting,” and get exclusive insights on the transformation happening in the workplace. 
  6. How to Build and Leverage Your Employer Brand: get up to speed on the few things you can do to improve your employer brand in this short, free HR webinar. A good employer brand is conducive to recruiting top talent.
  7. Trends Shaping Employee Experience by Qualtrics' Experience Management Scientists: unpack practical guidance from top HR teams to help drive your people strategy in 2022 and beyond.
  8. Spotting Potential: How to Make Brilliant Junior Hires – Want to strengthen your hiring strategy? Learn how Tempo and EngageTech cut through the skills gap and became growth experts!
  9. Turn the Great Disconnect into the Great Reconnect by Grammarly. The Great Disconnect is costing companies $12.5k per employee each year. Uncover the communication gaps between knowledge workers and leaders that tie directly to burnout and your team's success.
  10. Work Transformation Summit by Zoom: discover how to deliver impactful experiences...because every interaction with your brand counts.
  11. Inclusive Onboarding: Cultivating a Sense of Belonging - A successful and inclusive onboarding experience enables high performance, psychological safety, and belonging. Discover what it means for a successful DE&I strategy to cultivate a sense of belonging during the onboarding process in this free webinar for HR leaders.
  12. HR Growth Paths: How to Develop as a Professional in HR - the next steps a human resources professional may take to advance their career may be difficult. Watch this free HR webinar to better support employees in achieving professional goals and advancing your career in HR and people operations.
  13. Career Education: Disrupting the K-16 Model for Equitable Access to Future Jobs - Current education systems are broken. Students need an education that achieves career success and equal access to future jobs as they enter the workforce. Tune into the critical idea that public education needs revamping to prepare students better. Watch this recording from a conference about the Future of Work.
  14. Mindset Reset Bootcamp - Discover the results of a study showing that 98% of HR professionals have felt burned out at work in the first six months of 2022.
  15. Remote Recruiting: 7 Ways to Rethink your Strategy - remote-first recruiting strategy by Pingboard
  16. People Analytics and DEI Workshop - take 44 minutes to find out the best ways to collect DEI data, analyze it, and make it transparent by communicating insights gleaned from DEI data to support your DEI goals.
  17. How to be a smart purchaser of HR tech - watch this short webinar to learn how you may improve your HR tech strategy and procurement.
  18. How Thriving Organizations Build a Culture of Mobility - watch this HR webinar for online training about enabling employees to grow within your organization to build engagement and loyalty.
  19. Advice from Twitter’s talent team on diversity recruiting - looking to build a more diverse company? Twitter's talent team has some advice on how to recruit diverse talent. There are concrete steps you can take to make a difference.
  20. Understanding the ROI of investing in people - People are a company's most important asset. It's hard to quantify that or understand the ROI of it, but it's essential for long-term success. This webinar will help you understand the Employee Lifetime Value while demonstrating the ROI of being great at People practices.
  21. Behavioral Interview Strategies for Returning Workers - As an HR professional, you should be familiar with behavioral job interview strategies. One such strategy is behavioral interviewing. If you are mentoring or coaching someone, it is important to get their stories so they can learn from your experiences.
  22. 4 Ways to Get Employees to Engage & Participate in Your HR Programs in 2022: a 20min webinar to rethink your employee engagement strategy in a hybrid and remote work age. The panelists will discuss how to design engaging programs that reach and resonate with your employees, no matter where they're working.
  23. Reshaping the workplace and the world: Tune in to a conversation with DE&I experts reshaping the modern workplace in this free DEI webinar by workhuman.
  24. Agile Amplified for Hybrid Teams: Are you struggling to find the right collaboration tools for your hybrid or remote-first team? Join Miro and Atlassian as they will be discussing how to solve specific collaboration challenges with Agile practices.
  25. Performance in Focus: Laying the Foundations for Your People to Perform at their Best: Join Learnibly and discover how upskilling your employees and providing them with the latest career development opportunities can improve performance within your organization.

One of the best ways to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in remote work is to participate in these free HR webinars. These virtual events offer a great way to learn from experts and network with other professionals.

For even more, see the plethora of HR webinars on LinkedIn + BrightTalk. If you want paid HR webinars, explore SHRM webcasts here; learn more about HR certifications.

Human Resource Departments Need Metrics and Analytics

The business world has had human resources departments for as long as there have been humans who need resources. Employees need a centralized point of contact when they need help with a staffing issue, from everything to paychecks and benefits to vacation days and official complaints. Human resources covers it all. Truly, you get the right people in your human resources department, and it can mean real, tangible growth in your business.

Now, we have an added tool for human resources – analytics. Analytics have been around for decades. Sure, not as long as human resources, but we quickly learned in business that tracking our metrics and analyzing them has helped us grow in business in numerous ways. We track sales, we track marketing, why should we not also track our human resources?

What Are HR Metrics?

HR metrics refers to the various key figures that help a business track their employees and measure how effective their human resources strategies are. When we think of HR metrics, we think of data like turnover, cost-per-hire, benefits participation rate, and other key factors that affect your recruitment, your engagement and retention, your time tracking, your employee value and performance, and your training and development.

Top 73 HR Metrics List

Depending on the tools or HR software you employ, you could be measuring across the employee life cycle:

Attrition Rate

The attrition rate helps you understand the number of people leaving over a given period, across your company. This lets you know if you need to review current retention strategies, and where to focus your effort.

Average Commute

The average commute tells you how long it takes, on average, for your employees to get to work. This can help you make better choices about the location of your current offices, and to inform your growth and expansion strategies.

Average Number of Direct Reports

The average number of direct reports shows you how many employees the average manager at your company oversees. This is used to understand if your managers are being stretched, or have capacity for growing their team.

Average Performance Rating by Diversity

This helps you understand the performance of your diverse employees. This can be used to better focus learning and training initiatives, and to benchmark against larger trends.

Average Salary

The average salary helps you understand the compensation of your average employee. This is a quick way to check  if your salaries are competitive within your industry, or if your company is meeting internal benchmarks on pay.

Average Tenure

This tells you the average amount of time an employee has been with your company. This can form part of your overall turnover statistics, and give you an at-a-glance picture of how long-term your average employee is.

Candidate Forecast

The candidate forecast helps you see how many applicants are needed to meet your current headcount goals. This gives you the knowledge you need to scale hiring efforts up or down, and to manage your budget for hiring more effectively.

Candidate Process Funnel

The candidate process funnel helps you understand how quickly and efficiently candidates move through the recruitment process. This gives you insight into your overall recruiting activities and recruiter effectiveness.

Compa Ratio

The compa ratio shows you where your employee’s compensation sits relative to the exact midpoint of compensation over the whole company. This lets you quickly see if an employee is potentially being under or overpaid.

Compensation Fairness

The compensation fairness metric helps you understand how your compensation is benchmarked against the broader market. With this, you can review your compensation strategies and policies with greater insight.

Compensation as a Percentage of Revenue

Viewing compensation as a percentage of revenue shows you how much of the revenue you generate is being spent on paying your employees. This can help you better plan your compensation packages and headcount.

Cost of Hire

This is the amount of money it takes to bring on a new employee. Knowing this, you can better focus your recruiting efforts – and push for meaningful retention strategies to lower the cost of recruitment overall.

Current Headcount

The current headcount shows you just how many employees are currently in your company. Use this snapshot to see if you’re growing or shrinking, and for working out your averages in a given moment of the company’s progress.

Diverse Hires

The diverse hires metric helps you understand the amount of diverse employees you’re bringing into the company. Use it to better inform your diversity policies, sourcing, and recruiting processes.

Diversity Candidate Process Funnel

The diversity candidate process funnel helps you see if diverse employees are being moved through the hiring cycle fairly. Use it to see if there are any potential areas of concern, or if there’s bias at play within the hiring cycle.

Dollars Required to Fix Pay Gap

Understand the monetary cost of creating equity in pay in your organization. This is useful for evaluating your current compensation policies, and setting goals for growth and compensation in the future.

Engagement Score

Employee Engagement Score is a metric that assesses how invested your employees are in contributing to your company's success. While various factors can affect this score, it is primarily influenced by emotions and relationships. The score is not determined by perks and events, such as pizza parties or book clubs, but by fostering connections and shared purpose among employees.

Forecast Attrition

The forecast attrition metric helps you understand the potential amount of attrition your company faces in the future – so you can plan your headcount accordingly.

Forecast Recruiter Needs

This shows the number of recruiters you need to achieve your headcount and growth goals, so you can gauge whether your current headcount plan is feasible.

Forecast Salary Based on Hiring Goals and Attrition

This metric helps you understand the salary you’ll need to offer new employees in order to be competitive in the market. It takes into account your current growth goals and the attrition rate at your company – now, and forecasted.

Glassdoor Rating

This can help you understand how candidates perceive the interview experience at your company. It can also shed light on the feelings of current and former employees. This can guide you towards potential areas of improvement.

High Performers Compa Ratio vs Others

See if your high performers are being paid above or below the midpoint. Use this to evaluate and allocate budget during promotion cycles. This can help meet retention goals and avoid attrition among high performers.

Hire Rates by Diversity

See the rate at which diverse employees are being hired, so you can benchmark against the broader market and internal policies.

Hiring Goal

Set a goal for hiring, and track your progress against this metric. See how far you have to go, how far you have come, and adjust your goal based on current needs.

Hiring Goals Completion Percentage

This is a quick way to understand how close you are to reaching your goal – so you know if you need to increase efforts, or stay the course.

Hiring Needs vs Attrition

This helps you see how many employees you need to hire, given your current attrition. This means you can focus your hiring efforts to meet your goal, to counterbalance the rate at which employees are leaving.

Involuntary Exits

This helps you understand the number of employees who are being processed out of your company. Use this metric to better understand whether your hiring practices need to be reviewed – or if employees don’t have adequate training.

Manager Net Promoter Score (NPS) of Current Employees

The manager NPS of current employees tells you how likely your current employees would be to recommend their manager. Use it to understand the performance and leadership qualities of managers in your company.

Manager Net Promoter Score (NPS) of Exited Employees

The manager NPS of exited employees tells you how likely your former employees would be to recommend their manager. This lets you see whether management was a factor in the employee exiting the organization.

Manager Training & Performance Correlation

See if there is any relationship between manager training and their performance. Use this to refine your training efforts and focus on key areas.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) of Current Employees

Understand how likely your current employees would be to recommend your company. Get to know if your current employees are happy to work at the company, or if further measures are required.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) of Exited Employees

The NPS of exited employees helps you understand how likely your exited employees would be to recommend your company so you know if people who leave your company have a favorable impression.

New Hire Retention Rate

Understand the rate of new hires that remain with your company over a certain period. You can use this to see if there are any concerns during your onboarding process, or during a new employee’s early months.

Number of Candidates Needed to Fill a Role

This tells you how many candidates you’ll typically need to source in order to fill a role. Use this metric to gauge whether your hiring pipeline is sufficient to meet your current capacity and headcount goals.

Number of Completed Courses Over Time

The number of completed courses over time helps you understand the amount of courses employees are completing so you can gauge engagement with your learning platform.

Number of Contractors

See how many contractors are currently employed at the company, so you can create more accurate headcount forecasts and better understand your workforce.

Number of Employees Above/Within/Below the Band

Seeing the number of employees within banded pay structures helps you understand the compensation windows for your company. See if your compensation strategies need to be reviewed.

Number of Onsites Conducted by Week

This tells you how many onsite interviews are being conducted each week, so you can understand how often candidates are being brought to a location, and how well your recruitment pipeline is flowing.

Number of Phone Screens Conducted By Week

This tells you how many candidates your recruiting team contacted and screened over the phone each week. This can help benchmark against your recruitment goals and spot potential bottlenecks in the recruitment pipeline.

Number of Rehires

How many former employees return to the organization. This can indicate whether your policies, benefits, and compensation are competitive in the market. This can also be used alongside other workplace satisfaction metrics.

Offer Acceptance

This helps you understand the rate at which candidates accept job offers. Use it to understand if there is a breakdown in the hiring process, or to prompt investigation of the competitiveness of your offers.

Onboarding Time Length

The time it takes for someone to get ramped up and ready to do productive work in your organization. This can help refine your onboarding processes and training, and set better workload capacity schedules.

Onboards this Week

See how many new hires there are in your organization this week. Use this metric to better allocate headcount for training and other processes related to onboarding.

Onsite to Offer Ratio

The onsite to offer ratio helps you understand how many onsite interviews are needed to send an offer. If the ratio is too high, assess if there is an inappropriate allocation of resources.

Open Jobs

The number of open jobs helps you better refine your headcount projections and gauge hiring efforts more effectively.

Open Manager vs Individual Contributor roles

This is the ratio between manager roles and individuals who do not manage others. This metric can help you understand whether your hiring challenges are more pronounced at a senior or management level.

PTO Utilization

This shows you the amount of paid time off employees take within a year, giving insight into how comfortable your teams are to request time off. It can also help you gauge and manage the impact of burnout within the workforce.

Pass-through Rates

See the flow of individuals moving through your hiring cycle, expressed as a rate. Passthrough rates can help you understand whether there are any specific areas of concern or roadblocks in your hiring cycle.

Pay Equity Gap

This complex analysis uses data from multiple streams to identify pay equity gaps in your organization.

Percent of Leader Roles that have Completed Learning Courses

This tells you the percentage of leaders who are actively pursuing self development in your organization. Use this metric to gauge the success of your learning efforts, and measure engagement in senior levels.

Percentage Women

See the percentage of employees that identify as a woman, relative to the size of the full-time workforce, in your company

Percentage of Individual Contributor vs Manager

See the distribution of management roles compared to individuals who do not manage others. That can show you if your organizational structure is top heavy.

Percentage of Learning Courses Completed

The percentage of learning courses completed helps you understand the percentage of employees have taken the required courses out of what was assigned.

Problematic Employee Transfers

This can help you understand whether you are transferring problematic employees rather than pursuing disciplinary action – and indicate if there are wider cultural issues that allow problematic behaviors to pass.


The promotions metric helps you understand the career mobility in your company.

Promotions Rate by Diversity

Understand the rate at which different groups of people move upward within the company. Use this to benchmark, set, and meet your DEI goals.

Ratio of diversity in Senior Levels

See how many of your diverse employees are in leadership positions at your company. Use this metric to recognize imbalances within your company, and to better refine your promotion and hiring policies.

Recruiter Capacity

See how many candidates a recruiter is able to review per day, and how many jobs a recruiter can manage. Use this to allocate and budget recruitment resources more effectively.

Recruiter Efficiency Score

Answer questions like: are recruiters able to meet demand? Do I need contractors or agencies? Are my recruiters underperforming? Use it with other talent metrics related to recruiters: time to hire, hiring diversity, senior hires, and more.

Recruiter to Candidate Ratio

Helps you understand the number of candidates per recruiter, so you can see if your recruiters are overwhelmed and need additional resources.

Recruiter/Coordinator Activity

Shows the transactions completed by recruiters, and lets you see workload against engagement.

Tenure of Exited Employees

This helps you understand how long former employees stayed at your company on average.

Time to Fill

The amount of time it takes for a job to go from open to filled. This can give you insight into the effectiveness of recruiting practices within the organization.

Time to Hire

Time to hire helps you understand the amount of time it takes for a candidate to move through the recruitment process. It directly impacts the cost to hire, and is a reflection of recruiter performance.

Time to Start

Time to start tells you how long it takes for an employee to start employment after finishing the recruitment process. This can give insight into the efficiency of the onboarding process.

Top Companies/Industries Employees Exits

Gathered in the exit interview process, this helps you understand where employees are accepting new job offers. Use this knowledge to benchmark your current benefits, compensation, and policies against the top competition.

Top Reasons for Leaving

Use this knowledge from exit interviews to understand the key drivers of attrition in employees, so you can work to resolve and review current policies.

Top Withdrawal Reasons

If candidates with high ratings from top companies are rejecting offers, this data can shed light on their withdrawal reasons and help you make better offers in the future.

Total Compensation

See an accurate picture of an employee’s full compensation package. This metric combines their annual salary, bonuses, cost of benefits, and equity.

Total Hires YTD

Total hires in the year to date helps you understand how fast your company is growing, and gives insight into how many jobs are opening.

Total Terminations

The total terminations metric combines all employees leaving the company, regardless of the reason (involuntary or voluntary). Use this to gain insight into how to increase employee retention and improve hiring practices.


Understand internal employee mobility between departments and locations. This can give you insight into the fit between an employee and the position they are hired into.

Voluntary Exits

This tells you the number of employees who willingly leave the company. Combine this with other metrics to see how to stay competitive within the market.

(Source: eqtble)

Next, what follows naturally are HR Analytics, which is also known as People Analytics.

What Is People Analytics?

Once employee data is collected, HR metrics are made explicit and important pieces of information are then are measured and evaluated using people analytics, also known as HR analytics. Through the HR analytics process, a specialized role such as a People Analytics Specialist or HR Analyst, or simply an HR manager/generalist may then analyze the metrics once data visualiztion is completed (e.g., in an Excel, PowerBI, or an automted HR dashboard solution).

You seek and gain insight from this evaluative analytics process, discovering how your workforce is performing, how well you are utilizing your human capital, and how well you are supporting critical business goals, such as:

  • Headcount planning
  • Employee acquisition and placement
  • Training and talent development
  • Compensation planning & control
  • Mitigating risks (compliance management)
  • Implementing strategic objectives proactively, such as diversity, equity & inclusion (DE&I) and employee engagement initiatives

When you apply all the data gained from your HR Metrics to these goals, you can accurately measure your progress and then adjust accordingly.

A People Analytics Strategy Can Help Grow Your Organization

Applying a strategic HR analytics strategy to your business plan is a good idea because it helps make your organization more successful. It also has the potential to increase positive employee engagement and the overall employee experience, leading to a healthier workplace culture and happier employees by preventing burnout, which, as well known by now, is a key factor in reducing employee turnover. This is especially important to stay competitive as “The Great Resignation” rages, where we are seeing millions of people quit jobs and managers they don’t like during the pandemic.

People Analytics applies to all people that interact with your business, internally, and may even include part-time and seasonal workers, freelancers and gig contractors, who are not always recognized in HR. You can tell the difference easily, and while some will say the terms are not interchangeable, others argue that while there are subtle differences, they all give you similar feedback. Necessary feedback.

So how does analyzing all these metrics help your business grow?

Employee Performance

First and foremost, HR analytics gives you deep insight into how your organization's workforce is performing.

HR leaders should think of what kinds of intervention and best practices the department has in place to keep your employees cared for and utilized to the best of their potential through an employee engagement strategy rollout. The goal when you have employees is to maximize on your human capital to its fullest extent, while maintaining a healthy workplace culture, with the right people in the right roles. For example, you should not have a highly talented salesman in the mailroom. Likewise, someone better suited to a non-customer interactive job should not be in sales. HR analytics mY help you identify these issues.

Make Better Decisions with Better Tools

When you focus on HR analytics’ data-driven approach to your human capital, you can answer important questions like what the potential of each employee is, how many BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Color) people work at your organization, how long you can expect your employees to stay, what is the average tenure at your organization, and who you can expect to improve, and even when.

Human resources are a source of a tremendous amount of data, and in this age of information, it is more imperative than ever that we start using that data to make better decisions.

HR analytics help businesses in recruitment and engagement. You will know if you need more female voices in a department or the perspective from more people of color. We now live in a world that is becoming increasingly diverse, and if our customers are diverse, then so too should be reflected in our businesses. That’s how we grow, by mirroring our audience, so we know how to speak to them directly. We learn to do that better with the tools we get from HR analytics.

Create Partnerships

With HR metrics and HR analytics, you have the potential to build a solid team, to recruit the right people, to retain your strong team members, and to let those who are ready to go, go. With an appropriate set of best practices and tools, your business grows from one that is hierarchical and lacking in communication to one where your HR department holds real value and acts as that central touchpoint for an effective and efficient team of people working hard toward mutual success.

All the cards are on the table, everyone is aiming toward their maximum potential, and everyone feels like a valued member of the team. A true partner.

That is the potential value of HR analytics.

HR Analytics: Sold!

Great. You’re sold on HR Analytics. Now, how do you get started? Chances are, you are already utilizing several data sources and HR technology systems in your HR department. Examples include:

  • BambooHR
  • Sapling
  • Namely
  • Greenhouse
  • Zenefits
  • 15Five
  • Profit
  • JazzHR
  • Paycom
  • TriNet
  • Culture Amp
  • ADP
  • Glassdoor
  • and more!

Tons of HR data at your fingertips, and you are probably not even aware of just how much you can do with all of it. Most HR data just gets compiled and sits in a database, spreadsheet, and several HR systems. What you need is a visualization of your HR data, in the form of a digital dashboard. An HR analytics dashboard that integrates all your systems onto one and shows you what you did not even realize you needed to know. Is it worth investing in yet another system to have HR analytics at your fingertips within hours?

Continue reading about people analytics dashboard solutions

Exactly what amount does HR automation and efficiency impact growth?

HR analytics and better HR data is worth the investment. Your ROI potential is massive when you can accurately capitalize on the strengths of your team members. Not to mention the time savings HR generalists and People Operations leaders will save–on average of over six hours a week–which really adds up over time. Be sure to bring these data points when you go to make the business case for a new solution to implement for your HR department and your organization's workforce.

Continue reading about people analytics dashboard solutions with examples and templates

Take a People Analytics Dashboard Software for a Spin

HR dashboard software will allow you to view and share out real-time digital reports before important meetings that allow you to adjust to your human capital, without downloading or using software like Excel. Your business cannot help but grow when you know how to best analyze your data, and you should not be spending all your time wrangling data and working in spreadsheets.

If you’re ready to get all your data onto one dashboard at your fingertips, feel free to see our people analytics dasboard software guide for a comparison and a deeper dive into leading People Analyics dashboard solutions.

Business growth is never easy but it’s made easier when your people perform at their best.

And your people can only perform well if they have clarity on what they need to do to deliver results and drive impact. As a People person, it’s your job to give them that clarity—the good news is, you’re not in it alone!

Come along to a panel discussion where other People leaders will compare and contrast their approaches to building a high-performance culture. Learn from different perspectives and leave with the most relevant insights for your organization.

  • 🧱 Laying the Foundations for Your People to Perform at their Best
  • 🎫 Free + Virtual (On-Demand)

Watch this webinar now

What you’ll get from this HR webinar

💡 By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of:

  • What high-performance is and what it can achieve
  • Approaches you can take in measuring your people’s performance
  • The ways you can enable your people to meet performance expectations
  • Different strategies you can use for fueling performance in your organization

This event is for you if…

✅ You’re a People leader looking to make a tangible contribution to the success of your organization

✅ You want to support your people in delivering against business objectives

✅ You want to give your people clarity on how they can grow and improve in their roles

✅ The business you work for has ambitious goals that need to be met

Watch this webinar now

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There's a big difference between the core functions of talent acquisition and people operations (usually just called “people ops”).

What is People Ops? People operations, also known as people operations or people management, is the direction of workforce and talent management at a company. People Ops is the stuff inside people operations: HR, talent acquisition, payroll, benefits, payroll, benefits, and compensation.

What is talent acquisition? Talent acquisition focuses on acquiring external candidates to fill jobs. This may be internal, or external such as with a recruiting agency partner.

As you can probably imagine, there is debate in the HR world about whether Talent Acquisition or People Ops should own the employee lifecycle. Each group has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to understand the difference between the two before making a decision.

Although Talent Acquisition and People Ops may seem similar, they are actually quite different. 

Talent Acquisition is focused on finding and recruiting the best possible candidates for open positions. They're the ones responsible for creating job postings, sourcing candidates, and conducting interviews.

People Ops, on the other hand, is responsible for everything that happens after an employee is hired. They're in charge of onboarding, performance management, benefits, and payroll. People Ops are more focused on the process of onboarding, regular employee engagement, culture building, and retaining employees

So, which one is better? It really depends on your needs.

The 3 major differences between Talent Acquisition and People Ops:

1. Talent Acquisition is focused on sourcing and hiring candidates, while People Ops is focused on onboarding and retaining employees.

2. Talent Acquisition is typically a function of the Human Resources department, while People Ops is typically a function of the Operations department.

3. Talent Acquisition is typically more transactional in nature, while People Ops is typically more strategic.

Why People Ops is better than Talent Acquisition for certain companies

While Talent Acquisition is great if you’re looking to fill a position quickly, People Ops is better if you’re looking to retain an employee for the long run. After all, it’s much cheaper to retain an employee than it is to hire a new one

It’s a common misconception that People Ops and Talent Acquisition are at odds with one another, but they actually work best when they’re closely aligned across the employee lifecycle.

People Ops plays a much bigger role in employee satisfaction and retention than you might think. Companies that specialize in People Ops work to ensure that every employee is fully engaged  People Ops plays a much bigger role in employee satisfaction and retention than you might think. After all, People Ops is about so much more than just onboarding.

These professionals are responsible for making sure every employee is fully engaged, meaning they’re happily working at their job, earning a satisfactory salary and receiving adequate benefits and workplace perks. People Ops plays a much bigger role in employee satisfaction and retention than you might think. These HR professionals are responsible for making sure every employee is fully engaged, meaning they’re happily working at their job, earning a satisfactory salary and receiving adequate benefits and workplace perks.

So, what does this mean for startups and smaller organizations?

For most startups, putting a dedicated People Ops professional on board isn’t a possibility right away, so it’s up to the CEO or founders to fill that role. In fact, most startups don’t have a talent acquisition specialist either. Instead, they take on those duties in addition to their others. Because of this, and unlike Talent Acquisition, which is usually led by a specialist, CEOs and founders often take on talent acquisition duties themselves, adding them to their already-full workloads. This can cause a lot of stress and tension, especially when hiring is necessary quickly. Knowing exactly what you’re looking for and how to find it are critical components to building a  talent acquisition isn’t a priority for you. While startups may think they need people with certain skills or qualifications, they often don’t know exactly what they’re looking for or how to find it. This leads to wasted time and misdirected energy.

Creating a culture that candidates and employees will love

It's important to point out that People Ops manages the internal employees of a company, including hiring, development, management, leadership, and culture.

The culture a company strives to create is critical to the future success of the organization. Later on, you’ll want to protect that culture from bigger companies looking to buy you or poach your employees. And it also contributes to inclusion and belonging, enabling a safe space for employees to share their ideas. Psychological safety is critical to achieve inclusion and belonging in the workplace.

The relationship between talent acquisition and people operations

You might be pondering about these questions below, like any good HR and People leader:

  • You need talent acquisition help NOW…but will you need it later?
  • What does good talent acquisition look like?
  • What does the world look like from a talent acquisition partner's perspective?
  • What about from the viewpoint of a people operations professional?
  • How closely aligned are our talent acquisition and people operations teams were working together?

As it turns out, many HR professionals like yourself are asking these questions. And, unfortunately, most organizations are not aligned with their external or even internal talent acquisition/recruiting agency partners.

What does a talent acquisition department need from People Ops to achieve the best results?

People operations should be heavily involved with candidate experience from first touch to final conversion to a candidate success and recruiting or talent acquisition team.

When hiring quickly, it’s important to get the people operations elements of your hiring process right the first time. Doing so takes experience and knowledge—and a lot of time. Getting things wrong not only means a longer recruiting process, but also could result in expensive hires that don’t work out and hurt your culture.

Quiet quitting is becoming more common after going viral on social media, but this is not a new phenomenon. For many workers, it is a response to a reminder of our mortality—an inevitable loss of faith in hustle culture and the corporate advancement ladder. Employees who feel undervalued for their contributions will establish boundaries and shift their focus toward other sources of validation and satisfaction. While this is understandable, organizations are facing growing concerns about the loss of productivity, turnover challenges, and business impact of employees withdrawing effort from their work. 

How might we overcome the widespread disillusionment in their workforce and reignite motivation? 

Join Culture Amp experts to explore the psychology of “quiet quitting,” and share exclusive insights on the transformation happening in the workplace.

What you’ll learn in this HR Webinar

  • How to understand employee behaviors from an industrial/organizational psychology lens & apply best practices
  • Why career development conversations and growth opportunities are crucial to sustaining employee motivation
  • What it means to build trust with employees and avoid making broken promises

Watch this HR Webinar On-Demand

HR Webinar Event Speakers

Kenneth Matos

Director of People Scientist, Culture Amp (Learn more)

Roza Jankovic

Lead People Scientist, Culture Amp (Learn More)

This webinar took place on September 7, 2022, we hope you enjoy the recording from Culture AMP!

Organizational success is increasingly tied to a company's ability to utilize the talents of its workforce efficiently. A variety of factors can contribute to this, including the company's overall strategy, the composition of its workforce, and the effectiveness of its HR management practices. While there is no definitive way to measure talent efficiency, several indicators can provide insights into how well a company is leveraging the talents of its employees. These include measures of employee engagement and satisfaction, productivity, and turnover. By monitoring these indicators, companies can better understand their talent efficiency and take steps to improve it.

Over the past decade, several trends have emerged that have pushed organizations to be more efficient with their resources. These include the global economic crisis, the rapid advancement of technology, and increasing costs associated with healthcare. During this time, organizational efficiency has been increasingly tied to a company’s ability to leverage the talents of its workforce. In an era of global competition, technological change, and shorter product life cycles, organizational ‘efficiency’ has become a competitive advantage. 

But just how is this organizational efficiency improvement goal actually achieved?

Several Harvard Business Review articles have provided insights into this question, all pointing to the importance of human capital and the effective management of human resources. In particular, the article ‘Build Your Company’s Agility’ points out core competencies necessary for an organization to remain efficient: imagination, discipline, and compassion. These three competencies can guide the strategic management of human resources and help companies achieve greater agility.

The article suggests that organizations should focus on developing the competence of compassion, which refers to the ability to create a supportive culture for employees. This enables greater employee engagement, which in turn drives greater productivity and lowers costs related to turnover. Compassion also enables the development of the other two necessary strategic human capital capabilities – discipline and imagination. Discipline is the ability to create structure and optimize processes, which enables greater agility through simplified operations and complex problem-solving. Compassion, discipline, and imagination enable human resources leaders to build an agile organization.

To further investigate how human resources leaders are implementing these principles in their day-to-day activities, we've compiled 8 tips from leading human resources (HR) professionals what they’re doing to create more organizational efficiency. Their answers provide real-world insights and action steps for how HR leaders can improve their agility as well.

1. Establish a human-centered work culture

A leader in the HR industry responded by explaining that they have established a culture where all of their employees are equally valued. This helps in creating greater efficiency by reducing office politics and eliminating favoritism. It also helps the employees, as they are not subjected to work that may be beyond their capabilities or unsafe. This leads to a sense of pride, creating enthusiasm among the employees and improving the company’s reputation.

“We focus on creating a positive culture where everyone is empowered to take the lead and act. This creates a high level of efficiency as everyone works together towards a common goal with a positive attitude,” said Prashant Malavi, Managing Director at Genpact India.

2. Use technology

Many of the respondents agreed that technology could significantly improve efficiency. For example, AI can efficiently screen and filter candidates, while cloud computing can improve the functionality and accessibility of HR tools. An example of HR tools includes HR dashboard software to automate HR reporting.

“Using technology allows us to scale our processes and help millions of students, teachers, and schools across the globe. This could never be accomplished using paper and pen,” said Janice Johnson, Chief People Officer at Hotchalk.

3. Emphasize discipline

An employee’s attitude can greatly enhance efficiency, even when the appropriate technology and tools are readily available. For example, when screening and filtering candidates is a priority, the ability to engage in meaningful conversations during the recruitment process is a must. This can only be accomplished with discipline. Similarly, when HR leaders focus on building talent with specific skills and capabilities, they must establish clear employee goals and define what success looks like.

“You need to have discipline in screening candidates. If you don’t, you will receive a lot of candidates who don’t fit the job or your company culture. This will then take time to filter them out,” said Guy Galor, CEO of Prophet.

4. Train candidates to develop talent

“The most expensive resource in the world is waiting on the sidelines not being trained appropriately. Therefore, we teach students how to train themselves. We teach them life skills so they can develop their talents,” said Prashant Malavi from Genpact India’s Education and Development Foundation.

5. Charge fair fees

Charging fair fees will allow the company to sustain itself and ensure the product or service is available to as many people as possible. For example, when implementing HR tools, organizations must ensure they are not overpaying for functionality they don’t need. 

“When choosing an HR software, make sure it is not a super-walled castle. Ensure there are professional services included or alternatively, ensure you can get affordable professional services,” said Janice Johnson.

6. Be adaptable

Leading companies can be adaptable in the global marketplace because they have systems and processes that allow them to adapt to different cultures and regions. For example, when evaluating HR tech products, make sure the product is not US-centric and ensure it can adapt to different languages and countries 

Many leading companies are multilingual and have employees from different countries and cultures. Therefore, they need a system that can function in different languages and regional complexities, said Rony Levi from Tractivo Israel.

7. Ensure fair HR processes

Ensuring fair HR processes will help employees trust the organization and feel secure about the way problems are addressed. This also means avoiding arbitrary or unfair punishments when employees report misconduct. When employees see that HR practices are fair, they feel more trusting of the organization and are more likely to engage with the company further.

“Don’t try to do everything yourself. Get external help. Hire a head hunter—  not somebody you know. When you do that, you’ll find that you have more time and you do a much better job,” said Ilan Moscovitz, founder of Amos & Co.

8. Implement the best people-finding tools

People are the most important asset to any company. But with the war for talent as fierce as ever, finding and hiring the best employees is becoming increasingly difficult. There are new tools like CO.CAREERS Good Jobs Board, which features a built-in Applicant Tracking System. Hiring managers can apply for free here.

Mental health is just as important as physical health, yet it is often overlooked in the workplace. According to the National Institute for Mental Health, 1 in 5 American adults suffers from a mental illness. That means your organization will likely have employees dealing with mental health issues, whether they are open about it.

Not just that, but according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness and the CEOs Against Stigma I am signed on to, depression and anxiety also cost the global economy $1 trillion per year in lost productivity. Meanwhile, 8 in 10 workers with a mental health condition say shame and stigma prevent them from seeking treatment, and just 57% of employees with symptoms of major depression said they had received mental health treatment in the previous 12 months.

Workplace stress can lead to burnout, causing mental health issues.

Even when diagnosed clinical mental illness is not present, workplace stress and the resulting burnout it causes can have a significant effect on the mental health of workers. This, in turn, becomes a burden that falls on the shoulders of the employer or organization to carry.

Take a human-centered, empathetic approach to your mental health strategy.

The issue of mental health and wellness is complex without a one-size-fits-all solution. But this is why organizations must construct a mental health strategy that’s both proactive and preventative and puts the needs of its workers front and center.

A mental health strategy is essential for two reasons. First, it shows that your company cares about its employees and their well-being. Empathetic leadership in this area can have a positive effect overall on workplace culture. When workers know they are valued and cared for, it raises morale.

Second, it can help reduce the stigma around mental health issues. As common as it is for adults to have trouble with mental health and stress, they often hesitate to seek help or treatment for fear of how those around them may perceive them. When a company includes mental health and stress reduction as an aspect of company culture, employees are more likely to seek the support they need.

Listen to employees and create a safe space before anything.

There are many ways to build a mental health strategy for your company. But before implementing any new policies or systems, it can be helpful to assess the needs of employees first. An anonymous survey can be a valuable tool to determine where everyone stands regarding stress level, job satisfaction, and conflicts with others. This can also be a safe place for employees to state their preferences regarding communication, management styles, etc.

Make information about mental health services and benefits easy to access.

Knowing the specific needs of employees is a good starting point for determining which services or programs can be made available. Employees need to know that they have access to appropriate mental health services should they need them. Some examples can include, but are not limited to:

  • In-house stress management training
  • Providing medical benefits that cover mental health services
  • Access to an Employee Assistance Program
  • Ensuring access to substance abuse disorder treatments or programs

Minimize the stigma against accessing treatment by proactively communicating about available options to make it less difficult.

In addition to these services, employees should know that their support needs can be communicated simply, proactively, and without judgment. They should be confident that they will be accommodated whenever it is reasonably possible to do so. And information to access treatment should be readily available to everyone in the organization.

It should be the priority of every employer and manager to be intentional about making these services known and accessible to everyone and to create a workplace environment that values personal well-being and satisfaction. Employees should feel free to avail themselves of any resources they might need without fear of reproach from management or co-workers.

Consider telehealth as an added benefit that can make it easier for employees to access treatment.

Consider services like Airapy Therapy Concierge—a personalized experience for finding a therapist within your employees' preferences, budget, or health insurance. Information for employers can be found here.

Another service to consider is Teledoc health for organizations—this offers easy access to high-quality mental health providers, with self-guided programs between sessions to build resiliency. More information about their mental health services here.

There are many more ways to start building a mental health strategy for your organization. If you’d like to learn more about how to go beyond employee wellness for a more holistic employee well-being strategy, register for free upcoming HR webinars for more ideas and information.

A new Workvivo study has shown that 98% of HR professionals have felt burned out at work in the past six months.

Carrying the weight of our own, as well as others', difficulties can be draining and cause us to get stuck in a negative mindset.

The 45 minute “Mindset Reset Bootcamp” with Debbie Pearmain took place on May 17th at 11:30 AM EST.

Watch this webinar for HR leaders now

Be ready to take notes- this interactive virtual coaching session will leave you with a concrete action plan to revamp your mindset and achieve your goals! Debbie will guide you though strategies designed to help improve your resiliency, take action, and make those new habits stick.

About the speaker

Debbie Lang Pearmain, Principal @ One Stop HR:

Debbie has worked with CEOs and leadership teams for over 25 years at more than 250 companies. She has been facilitating organizational and leadership transformation projects with Accenture, Global Knowledge, One Stop HR and Morneau Shepell. Debbie is an excellent facilitator, coach and strategic thinker. She helps clients view problems as opportunities for growth and change and creates breakthrough strategies that help people and organizations achieve their full potential. Debbie has spent her career consulting and coaching clients at the personal, team, leader and organizational level. Her background in Social Work and Human Resource Management has given her a deep understanding of human behavior and makes her a culture expert. Her extensive training in Leadership Development and Emotional Intelligence assists clients in reaching new levels of engagement and performance.

If you want to create great employee experiences at scale you have to have great technology. But the choices are now endless, so how do you create the right HR tech stack for you? Where do you start? What should your strategy be? How do you see through the marketing material to distinguish a good product from a mediocre one? What are the traps to avoid, the questions to ask and the things you need to consider if you want to be a smart purchaser of HR tech? 

Watch This HR Webinar Now

Get the answers in this webinar, brought to you by Chantal Wilson, Director at The Pioneers, with expert guests Simon Bocca, Founder at PayCaptain and Travis Fish, Chief Operating Officer at Rotageek.

This is part of a multi-part HR webinar series.

Related: Explore the top people analytics software solutions for small and medium businesses.

Discover what it means for a successful DE&I strategy with regards to cultivating a sense of belonging during the onboarding process.

Human resources professionals must view inclusive onboarding as necessary for any successful diversity, equity & inclusion (DE&I) strategy.

Dr. Linda Wiley Bing starts with a case study of how Delta Airlines onboards airline passengers and their inclusivity, helpfulness, as well as touches on the parralels of a user-friendly customer experience as it relates to the employee experience.

In this webinar, you'll learn:

  • The value behind an inclusive onboarding process
  • Four key phases of inclusive onboarding and what each phase looks like
  • How Inclusive onboarding enables high performance, psychological safety, and belonging

Watch on-demand

About the speaker

Dr. Linda Wiley Bing is an inspirational speaker, certified life coach, certified diversity executive, certified relationship specialist, critically acclaimed author, and globally recognized businesswoman. She is the founder and CEO of Turning Point Leadership Group, an innovative performance improvement company that specializes in DEI, leadership development, and relationship management. For 25 years, she and her team have created more diverse, equitable, and inclusive cultures in large and small companies, government agencies, and non-profits across the globe.

What is the definition of employee experience?

Employee experience is defined as the journey an employee takes while working for an organization, from their first day to their last. It comprises every touchpoint an employee has with the organization, from the process through which they're onboarded, to how they're managed, to the way they're incentivized to do their best work. The employee experience also includes all the perceptions that the employee has about their employer in every interaction.

Therefore, employee experience entails the pragmatic, emotional, and motivational aspects of one's position in the workplace. If any of these aspects are unfulfilled or misaligned, the employee experience is less than ideal — and that can increase the likelihood of attrition or poor productivity.

Why does employee experience matter?

An organization's employee experience can make or break its ability to attract and retain top talent. Today, workers are more conscientious and discerning than ever before. And in an increasingly global workforce, competition is high. The best candidates can easily find a new job if their current experience is unsatisfying.

Plus, a good employee experience lays a strong foundation for continued growth and productivity. When workers feel integrated, appreciated, and knowledgeable, they're more likely to do their best work. Everything from the ease of onboarding to how great performance is assessed and rewarded can impact their morale and aptitude in their role.

How can HR build, create, and design the best employee experience?

While Human Resources has traditionally prioritized efficiency, the secret to creating an excellent employee experience is to focus on human experiences, over process. Workers are not machine parts. To help them mesh with the overall team and embrace your organization's values, you must nurture their passions, preferred work style, and strongest skillsets.

Generic onboarding, confusing payroll structures, and apathetic management all send clear signals to good workers that their efforts are not being accurately assessed or compensated — let alone appreciated. To perceive an opportunity for growth and fulfillment, they need to see that their position is well managed. That entails customized onboarding, mentorship from a workplace leader (as opposed to being micromanaged or arbitrarily judged), and a strong workplace culture that encourages all employees to embrace the organization's values and mission.

What is an employee experience strategy?

A great employee experience is not something that can be wished into existence. It requires a careful strategy encompassing cultural alignment, predictive analytics, behavioral economics, and more. To develop this strategy, organizations must first take inventory of their internal metrics and insights gleaned from both their employee data (e.g., retention and employee turnover rates), as well qualitative feedback from employee engagement surveys.

From the moment an employee signs their contract to the day they exit the organization, their experience should be seamless and supportive. They should be given the oppotunity to be heard through regular employee engagement and employee relations efforts from their managers and the organization's HR department.

In addition, your employee experience strategy must reduce gaps between talent and compensation, effort and assessment, motivation and opportunity, and specific needs and logistics.

How can HR leaders measure and improve the employee experience?

The simplest way to assess your employees' satisfaction is to ask them. Post-onboarding and exit surveys capture their attitudes at the start and end of their position. However, HR departments can also roll assessments into regular check-ins throughout employment. Too often, employees receive performance reviews with little to no chance to provide their own feedback. By regularly collecting employee opinions, HR leaders can create a two-way street that engenders trust and identifies opportunities for growth.

That also yields valuable data on how the employee experience can be improved. Do employees feel appreciated in their position? What are their goals for advancement? How productive do they feel with the available schedule and technology? All those factors and more affect each employee's likelihood for retention and satisfaction in their role.

If it proves challenging or resource-intensive to manually assess your workplace's efficiency and satisfaction, there are plenty of employee experience platforms to help save you time. For example, 15Five collects employee surveys, performance reviews, and goal management in one place. Using an empoloyee engagement tool like that will allow managers to assess organization's objectives and values alongside your team's motivation and productivity. When taken together, these qualitative data sets provide invaluable feedback that can help you improve the overall employee experience.

What is a Voice of Employee (VoE) program?

You cannot fix problems if you don't know what they are. That's where a Voice of Employee (VOE) program comes in. It requests and collects employees' opinions in a regular, structured, and transparent manner, allowing them to feel a sense of participation and acknowledgment. This, in turn, helps the overall employee experience as workers perceive that their feedback is going toward real change.

By contrast, simply collecting employee feedback in a dropbox or implementing an "open door" policy may be limiting. If employees are concerned about retaliation or feel that their comments will simply be ignored, they're less likely to give valuable insights into your workplace's productivity and morale. A VoE program not only reduces the barriers to employee feedback but also encourages it. And once those opinions are voiced, it's possible to create an employee experience that boosts retention and morale.

What can employees expect from employers?

Today's employees are resistant to anything that may be perceived as disingenuous or exploitative. To overcome this objection and ensure employee loyalty, you must demonstrate your commitment to employees' well-being and growth potential.

One of the top concerns for most employees is "work–life balance." No one wants to feel a division between their career and their home life. That's why flexible schedules, PTO, and parental leave have become so popular. However, the methods aren't as important as the perception that workers need not sacrifice their humanity for their employers. A little flexibility and compassion go a long way toward creating a sustainable employee experience.

Also, employees expect detailed feedback from their managers — and they incorporate that feedback into their career decisions. Even if your organization employs exceptional talent, never assume that they'll stick around if you're not honoring their progress and empowering their goals for professional growth. The easiest way to retain your top talent is to cultivate robust, consistent feedback that appreciates their work for your organization.

The benefits of a great employee experience

When done right, a great employee experience means that your team will fully embrace their role, perform with their greatest morale, and remain with your organization as they pursue opportunities for growth. Often, that means you'll save money in the long run. The more engaged and motivated employees feel, the more likely they are to pursue growth with your organization.

That not only spares you the cost of turnover but also helps you promote productivity. Imagine if your employees could work four-day workweeks — and still accomplish as many tasks and achieve enough revenue to grow your business. Moreover, they'd be able to deliver more, which would amplify your profits and allow you to pay your best workers more money for less work. If they're effectively leveraging their talents to generate revenue in less time, it's win–win for both of you: they are earning generous compensation for their talent while you're reducing your overhead costs.

That, in a nutshell, is the benefit of a streamlined, impactful employee experience.

Wrapping up why a great employee experience is so important

In summary, never underestimate the importance of nurturing and motivating your workforce. Employees who feel underappreciated, undermeasured, and undercompensated are more likely to leave — and that can cut into your revenue and brand success. Investing in your employees' efficiency, growth potential, and wellbeing has a tremendous ROI as those employees are more likely to perform efficiently, stay in their position, and go beyond — thereby improving your organization's bottom line and more than fulfilling your payroll and expenses.

It's always better to prioritize your team's humanity and nurture their growth. Be willing to hear their feedback and compensate them for their talents, and you'll often find that it's much easier to grow your revenue for less expenditure. That's because people are who grow your brand. And it all starts with an amazing employee experience.

For more reads like this, you can visit sources from this short article on Employee Experience from 15Five, ReWorked, and GALLUP.

More Employee Experience Content for Leaders

Explore this free, on-demand webinar 'Trends Shaping Employee Experience' to learn even more on how to create a great employee experience for your organization.

Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community, meet new people, and learn new skills. And, it can also help your workplace function better. Here’s how:

Volunteering can help employees feel more connected to their workplace. When employees feel like they are part of something larger than themselves, they are more likely to be engaged in their work.

Volunteering can also help employees build new skills. If your workplace is looking for a way to train employees in new skills, volunteering is a great way to do it. For example, if your workplace is looking to train employees in leadership skills, have them volunteer as leaders for a charity event.

Volunteering can also help your local community by bolstering capacity, so it's really a win-win!

And if you already have a corporate social responsibility program in place, it should be really easy to highlight your employer brand's purpose-driven culture.

If you'd like to hear more on this topic, consider registering for one of our upcoming webinars here.
